Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Vṛndā Becomes Anxious.

इतीशयोः सुमधुर-वाग्विलासयोः समीक्ष्य तां स्वभवन-यान-विस्मृतम् ।
सखीश्च ताः स्मितरुचिरा मुदोन्मदा वनेश्वरी दिवसभियास सोन्मनाः ॥

In this way, seeing Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa engaged in sweet conversation and forgetting to go to their respective homes, and seeing the sakhīs smiling brightly and intoxicated with joy, Vṛndādevī became anxious about the coming daylight. (Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 1.106)

कान्ता उदीयुर्विकसन्मुखेन्दवो रात्रिर्गता चास्तमपास्तचन्द्रिका ।
विलासभङ्गः कथमस्तु नास्तु वा क्षणं हृदैवेति पराममर्श सा ॥
Vṛndā began to consider whether the nightly pastimes had actually ended or not, since the bright moon-faced Rādhā and her sakhīs remained, but the dark night had gone. (Kṛṣṇa-Bhāvanāmṛtam 2.56)

तमांस्यनश्यन्नभितो यथा यथा तदा प्रकाशश्च यथा यथैधत ।
तथा तथा हृद्रुजमेव सान्वभूद् व्रजस्य रीतिं श्रुतयोऽपि नो विदुः ॥

All the śāstras say that the amount of light (wisdom) one has is directly proportional to the amount of darkness (ignorance) destroyed. And the more wisdom one has, the more sorrow and grief are driven away. But in Vṛndā’s case, the opposite has happened. (The more the darkness disappears, the more the sunlight appears. The lighter the day becomes, the more anxious Vṛndā becomes about Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa’s impending separation.) This is not so astonishing though, because this natural characteristic of Vraja is unknown to even the śrutis. (Kṛṣṇa-Bhāvanāmṛtam 2.57)

अथ वृन्देङ्गिताभिज्ञा समयज्ञा तरुस्थिता ।
पद्यमुद्योतयामास कक्खटी वृद्धमर्कटी ॥

Realizing what time it was, and understanding a signal from Vṛndā, the old monkey named Kakkhaṭī began to recite poetry as she sat upon the branch of a tree. (Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 1.107)

रक्ताम्बरा सतां वन्द्या प्रातःसन्ध्या तपस्विनी ।
ऊर्ध्वप्रसर्पदर्कांशुर्जटिलेयमुपस्थिता ॥

“The dawn, an ascetic praised by the virtuous, has now arrived. She wears reddish clothing and has matted hair (jaṭilā) that appears like sunrays emanating from her head.” (Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 1.108)  

आकर्ण्य ताभिर्जटिलेतिवर्णत्रयीं विवर्णत्वमधारि सद्यः ।
विलास-रत्नाकरमुद्भवन्ती शङ्कैव तासां चुलुकीचकार ॥

Upon hearing the three syllables ja-ṭi-lā, Śrī Rādhikā and the other vraja-gopīs immediately became pale. The ocean of vilāsa they had been happily sporting in was evaporated by their rising fear. (Kṛṣṇa-Bhāvanāmṛtam 2.60)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 1.102-105

कान्तमायान्तमाशङ्क्यारुणांशुद्विगुणारुणम् ।
कोकी कोकनदं चञ्च्वा चुम्बत्यानन्दविह्वला ॥
“Waiting eagerly for the arrival of her husband, a ruddy goose becomes so overwhelmed with joy that she kisses a red lotus, whose color has been deepened by the rays of the sun.”

कलस्वनाख्यः कलकण्ठि हंसः समीक्ष्य नौ सम्मद-फुल्लपक्षः ।
रिरंसुमप्येष विसृज्य हंसीं तटं तटिन्याः पुरतः समेति ॥

“O Kalakaṇṭhī! Seeing us, that sweet-voiced swan has left his mate even though she longs for his companionship. Now he has come to the bank of the Yamunā and is spreading his wings wide in ecstasy.”

स्वसहचर-विसृष्टं स्वामिभुक्तं मृणालं मदकल-कलकण्ठी बिभ्रती पश्य चञ्च्वा ।
रमणमनु समेति त्वन्मुखाब्जार्पिताक्षी सरसिजमुखि नाम्ना तुण्डिकेरी मराली ॥

“Look, lotus-faced one! The goose named Tuṇḍikerī is holding within her beak the half-eaten lotus stalks given by her husband. With her eyes fixed upon your lotus face, she now approaches with her mate, uttering a low, sweet warbling sound.”

मलयशिखरचारी पङ्कजामोदधारी व्रतति-नटकुमारी-लास्यशिक्षाधिकारी ।
वहति जलविहारी वायुरायासदारी स रमणवरनारी-स्वेदजालापहारी ॥

“The cooling breeze wafting down from the peaks of the Malaya hills carries the sweet fragrance of lotus flowers as he dallies with the waters of the Yamunā. He also teaches the young creepers how to dance, removes everyone’s fatigue and dries the perspiration of lovers.”

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 1.98-101

पश्योन्मत्ते द्विजेशोऽप्यखिलजनतमस्तोमहन्तापि शान्तः
कान्तोऽयं ते समन्तात्सपदि निपतितो वारुणीं संनिषेव्य
इत्थं स्वीयेन सङ्गप्रमुदित-नलिनीहास-सञ्जातलज्जा
शङ्के वक्त्रं पिधत्ते ह्युषसि कुमुदिनी सङ्कुचद्भिर्दलैः स्वैः

  “And there, the lotus says to the white lily, ‘O angry Kumudinī, look! Your lover the moon, chief of the twice-born, destroys the darkness of the whole world and is very peaceful. But because he has become so fond of Vāruṇī, the western sky, he has quickly fallen from his position.’ Hearing the joking words of the lotus, who is now joyful in the company of her lover the sun, it seems the white lily has hidden her face in shame within her own withered petals.”

दृष्ट्वा तमःक्षयममी विधुनान्यपुष्टा नक्तं तमश्चयनिभाश्चकिताः प्रभाते
मित्रं तदाश्रयतया तमसा चरन्तीं ग्रस्तं कुहूरिति कुहूं स्वगिराह्वयन्ति

  “Having seen before the darkness of night destroyed by the moon, the black cuckoos fear that because they are also dark, they may be destroyed at dawn. Remembering that the sun can be swallowed by Rāhu, they call out to the new moon with a sound of ‘kuhū, kuhū.’”

कपोतीघूत्कृतिमिषात्शीत्करोतीव सोन्मदा

  “Just as a girl sometimes emits an ecstatic breathy sound while making love, in the same way this forest, joined with her lover the springtime, utters such a sound disguised as the cooing of doves.”

पश्यानुसरति चञ्चलभृङ्गः कैरविणीकुल-केलि-पिशङ्गः
नलिनीकोषे निशि कृतसङ्गां भृङ्गीं शशिमुखि कृतनतिभङ्गाम्

  “O Moonface, look! A restless bumblebee, dusted yellow with pollen from sporting in a cluster of white water-lilies, now follows his mate, who was trapped within the petals of a lotus all night and who shatters his modesty.” 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 1.94-97

अरुणारुणे निदधती ततोऽम्बरे रतिकेलिभङ्गज-रुषाऽरुणां दृशम्
ललितोपहासजनित-स्मितानना वृषभानुजाह मृदुमञ्जुभाषिणी
अनूरुरप्यस्तमयन् क्षणार्द्धान्नभो विलङ्घ्योदयमेति सोऽयम्
चेत् सोरुमेनं विधिर्व्यधास्यद्वार्त्तापि रात्रेर्न तदाभविष्यत्

After hearing Lalitā’s teasing words, Vārṣabhānavī Śrī Rādhā smiled and began to speak in a soft, sweet voice. With eyes reddened in anger from having her lovemaking disturbed, she looked toward the crimson morning sky and said, “The sun, even though having no thighs, sinks below the horizon and traverses the sky. But within half a moment he once again rises at dawn. Perhaps if Lord Brahmā had created thighs for him, we would never have even heard of the night.”

मनोरमां वीक्ष्य विभात-लक्ष्मीं निपीय तस्या वचनासवं
मुदोन्मना विस्मृत-गोष्ठयानः प्राणेश्वरीं तामवदन्मुकुन्दः
इनं प्रभातोपगतं समीक्ष्य कान्तेव कान्तान्तर-भुक्तकान्तम्
पश्यान्यदिक्सङ्ग-कषायिताङ्गं प्राचीयमीर्ष्यारुणितेव जाता

Beholding the splendor of the early morning and delirious with joy from drinking the nectar of Rādhā’s words, Mukunda forgot about going to the pasturing grounds. He said to his prāṇeśvarī, “Look Priyā! Just as a young girl becomes red with jealousy when her boyfriend arrives in the morning bearing love-marks from another girl, in the same way, the eastern sky reddens in jealousy when she sees her husband Sūrya arrive at dawn colored by the touch of the other directions.”

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

(Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 1.91-93)

घनश्यामं चीनं वसनमभिलीनं प्रियतनौ 
क्षमा नासीत् कान्ता स्वमपि परिचेतुं घनरुचौ ।
स्वमज्ञासीत् स्फीतं हरिरपि न पीतं प्रियतमा-
तनौ लीनं चीनं कनकरुचि कम्बाविव पयः ॥

Just as it is difficult to immediately distinguish milk within a white conch-shell, in the same way, it was almost impossible to see Rādhā’s fine blue cloth on Kṛṣṇa’s dark body, or Kṛṣṇa’s yellow cloth on Rādhā’s golden form.

तयोर्लीलासुधापान-प्रत्यूहामर्षसङ्कुला ।
निन्दन्त्यरुणमुद्यन्तमथाह ललिता सखीम् ॥

Considering the rising sun to be an impediment to drinking the nectar of their pastimes, Lalitā began to angrily criticize it, speaking to her sakhī Rādhā.

ऊषसि वरवधूनां पश्य राधेऽरुणोऽयं रमण-सहित-लीलाभङ्गतः पापरुग्भिः ।
गलितपदयुगोऽप्यद्यापि तन्नो जहाति ध्रुवमिति वचनं यद्दुस्त्यजः स्वस्वभावः ॥
Rādhe! Just look. This early morning sun is interfering with the intimate pastimes of beautiful women with their lover. Even if he got leprosy because of his crime and both of his feet melted off, still he wouldn’t be able to give up his bad habit. Therefore, when the ṛṣis say, ‘It is very difficult to give up one’s nature,’ it is certainly true.”

Friday, October 28, 2011

Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 1.87-90

पतद्ग्राहमुपादाय दासिका गुणमञ्जरी ।
ताम्बूलं चर्वितं ताभ्यो विभजन्ती बहिर्ययौ ॥

The dāsī named Guṇa Mañjarī took the spittoon from the bower, removed the tāmbūla that Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa had chewed and shared it among all the other sakhīs.

मञ्जुलाली तयोरङ्गाच्च्युत-माल्यानुलेपनम् ।
तल्पादादाय सर्वाभ्यः प्रयच्छन्ती विनिर्गता ॥

Mañjulālī Mañjarī collected the garlands and sandalwood paste that had fallen from Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa’s bodies and distributed them to everyone outside.

विलोक्याग्रे मेघाम्बर-वृतशरीरं प्रियतमं
वयस्यां तां पीताम्बर-परिवृताङ्गीं प्रमुदिताम् ।
हसन्त्यस्ताः सख्यः करपिहित-मुख्यः प्रतिदिशं
दिशन्त्यश्चान्योन्यं कुटिलचलदृग्भिर्मुमुदिरे ॥

When the sakhīs noticed that Kṛṣṇa was wearing Rādhā’s blue cloth and their joyful friend Rādhā was wearing Kṛṣṇa’s yellow cloth, they had to cover their mouths with their hands to conceal the laughter. They had great fun using subtle eye gestures to point out to each other that the exchange had occurred.

समीक्ष्य तासां परिहासभङ्गीमन्योन्यवक्त्रार्पित-फुल्लनेत्रौ ।
समुच्छलत्प्रेमसुखाब्धि-मग्नौ चित्रार्पिताङ्गाविव तावभूताम् ॥

After seeing the sakhīs try to hide their laughter, Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa, submerged in the surging ocean of love, stood gazing with wide eyes at each other’s face, motionless as though figures in a painting.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 1.83-84

माहेन्द्रकान्तच्छदनं सकाञ्चनं दान्तं ससिन्दूर-समुद्गकं परा ।
आपन्नसत्त्वा-कुचकुट्मलोपमं कुञ्जाद् गृहीत्वा निरगान्मृदुस्मिता ॥
Another sakhī picked up a vermilion box, made of ivory inlaid with sapphires and gold. Seeing that the box resembled the budding breast of a pregnant woman, she smiled softly and took it from the kuñja.

आश्लेष-सञ्छिन्नगुणात्परिच्युतं हाराल्लसन्मौक्तिक-सञ्चयं मुदा ।
विचित्य काचित्स्वपटाञ्चले दृढं निबध्नती कुञ्जगृहाद्विनिर्ययौ ॥

Because of Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa’s firm embrace, their necklaces had broken and the lustrous pearls had scattered about. One sakhī found them all, happily tied them tightly in the border of her own cloth and brought them out of the bower.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 1.80-82

परिवर्तितसंव्यानौ मिथस्तावथ शङ्कितौ ।
परस्परकरालम्बौ निरगातां निकुञ्जतः ॥

Wearing each other’s clothing and feeling anxious, Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa held hands as they emerged from the bower. 

राधा-पाणिं सव्येऽसव्ये पाणौ बिभ्रद् वेणुं कृष्णः ।
रेजे कुञ्जान्निर्यन् यद्वद् विद्युन्मालाश्लिष्टाम्भोदः ॥

As Kṛṣṇa left the kuñja, holding Śrīmatī’s hand in his left hand and his flute in his right, it appeared as though a beautiful rain-cloud were embracing a streak of lightning.

हैमं भृङ्गारमेका व्यजनमथ परा स्वर्णदण्डं दधाना
काप्यादर्शं सुदर्शं घुसृण-मलयजाऽमत्रमन्या विचित्रम् ।
काचित्ताम्बूलपात्रं मणिचितमपरा सारिकां पञ्जरस्थाम्
इत्थं सख्यः कियत्याः प्रमुदितहृदया निर्ययुः कुञ्जगेहात् ॥

Then, as the sakhīs joyfully left the bower house, someone carried a golden pitcher, someone held a fan with a golden handle, and someone else held a lovely mirror. One sakhī carried a multicolored container for saffron and sandalwood, another carried a jeweled vessel for tāmbūla, and someone else held a caged mynah.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 1.79

कृष्णोऽपि कान्तं वृषभानुजायाः पश्यन् मुखं भीति-विलोलनेत्रम् ।
नीलं सुचीनं दयितानिचोलं गृह्णन् स्वतल्पात् त्वरयोदतिष्ठत् ॥

Seeing Rādhā’s anxious, restless eyes and her lovely face, Kṛṣṇa picked up her fine blue scarf and also quickly rose from the bed.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 1.77-78

शङ्कापङ्काकलित-हृदया शङ्कतेऽस्या धवाम्बा छिद्रान्वेषी पतिरतिकटुः सार्थनामाभिमन्युः ।
रुष्टाभीक्ष्णं परिवदति सा हा ननन्दापि मन्दा प्रातर्जातं तदपि सरलां कृष्ण नैनां जहासि ॥

“O Kṛṣṇa! The heart of Rādhā’s mother-in-law is covered with the mud of fear and therefore she is always suspicious. Rādhā’s husband Abhimanyu lives up to his name by being disagreeable, angry and finding fault with others. Her dull-headed sister-in-law is always grouchy and very critical. Why are you not leaving this simple-hearted girl even though the night has ended?” 

सारीवचो-मन्दरशैलपात-संक्षुब्धहृद्दुग्धपयोधिरेषा ।
अथोद्भ्रमन्नेत्र-नवीनमीना वियोगदीना शयनादुदस्थात् ॥

The mynah’s words were like Mandara Mountain falling into Rādhā’s milk-ocean heart. She became very agitated and her eyes began to whirl like two young fish swimming about. Feeling depressed at the thought of leaving Kṛṣṇa, she finally rose from the bed.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 1.73-74

गुरुलज्जा-भर्तृभीति-लोकहास-निवारिका ।
शुभाख्या सारिका प्राह राधिका-बोधसाधिका ॥

To prevent Rādhikā from being embarrassed before her elders, fearful of her husband and being laughed at by the villagers, the mynah named Śubhā, who is very skilled at awakening her, began to speak.

आगन्ता ग्राहयित्वा तव पतिरधुना गोष्ठतः क्षीरभारान्
उत्तिष्ठोत्तिष्ठ राधे तदिह कुरु गृहे मङ्गलां वास्तुपूजाम् ।
इत्थं यावद्धवाम्बा तव नहि शयनादुत्थिता वावदीति
तावच्छय्यानिकेतं व्रज सखि निभृतं कुञ्जतः कञ्जनेत्रे ॥

“O lotus-eyed one! Your mother-in-law will soon rise from bed and say, ‘Rādhe! Your husband and the servants are on the way from the pasturing ground carrying their loads of milk. You must quickly get up and do the pūjā for an auspicious home.’ O Sakhi! Before she can say these words, please leave this kuñja and secretly return to your bedroom.”

Friday, September 16, 2011

Broken links

Some time back I stopped using a server that had some files on it that were linked to this blog. I've updated some of the links but haven't yet taken the time to go through the entire archive. If you run across a link that doesn't work, let me know in a comment where I can find it, as in which year and which month. Thanks.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 1.72

विलोक्य लीलामृतसिन्धुमग्नौ तौ ताः सखीश्च प्रणयोन्मदान्धाः ।
वृन्दा प्रभातोदयजातशङ्का निजेङ्गितज्ञां निदिदेश सारीम् ॥

Vṛndā saw that Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa were immersed within the ocean of līlāmṛta and the sakhīs had been blinded by the intoxication of love. Concerned that daybreak had arrived, she gestured an order to one of the mynah birds.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 1.70

हेलोल्लासादरमुकुलिता बाष्पसान्द्रारुणान्ता लज्जा-शङ्का-चपलचकिता भङ्गुरेर्ष्याभरेण ।
स्मेरस्मेरा दयितवदनालोकनोत्फुल्लतारा राधादृष्टिर्दयित-नयनानन्दमुच्चैर्व्यतानीत् ॥

Śrīmatī’s eyes were radiant with passion, squinting slightly, full of tears and red with anger. They moved restlessly and appeared timid from her fear of being embarrassed. Then she saw Kṛṣṇa’s lotus face and her eyes began to widen as her gentle smile reappeared. Seeing this, Kṛṣṇa’s eyes also blossomed with joy.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 1.69

इति निगदति कृष्णे वीक्ष्य साग्रे वयस्याः प्रहसित-वदनास्ताः सङ्कुचल्लोल-नेत्रा ।
विकसदमलगण्डं दोलितारेचितभ्रूः प्रियमनृजुकटाक्षैः पश्यति स्म घ्नतीव ॥

When Rādhā heard Kṛṣṇa’s taunting remark and saw her sakhīs giggling in front of her, her restless eyes contracted and her bright, flawless cheeks began to tremble.  Frowning, she hurled a piercing sidelong glance as if to impale Kṛṣṇa.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Font converter

For those who don't read देवनागरी, you can copy and paste the text here to convert it to the Balaram font (thanks to our friend Ananda).

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 1.67-68

वक्षः स्वं दर्शयंस्ताभ्यो दृग्भङ्ग्योवाच ता हरिः ।
दिदृक्षुः स्वप्रिया-वक्त्र-भाव-शाबल्य-माधुरीम् ॥
विधुं प्रयास्यन्तमवेक्ष्य कान्तं विश्लेषभीतोषसि पश्यताल्यः ।
दिदृक्षयेवाम्बर-चित्रपट्यां राधेन्दुलेखाशतमालिलेख ॥

Hoping to see the sweet mixture of emotions on Rādhā’s face, Kṛṣṇa used an eye gesture to bring the sakhīs’ attention to his chest and said, “O Sakhīs, just look! Seeing her lover, the moon, ready to depart at daybreak, the constellation Rādhā, anxious about the impending separation but longing to keep him somehow in her sight, has painted hundreds of moonbeams on the canvas of the sky.”

Thursday, July 14, 2011

KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 2.17

ताम्बूलवीटीर्निदधे परास्मिन्नेका पटिम्ना मणिदीप-पाल्या ।
तन्मङ्गलारात्रिकमाशु चक्रे नीराजयन्त्येव निजासु-लक्षैः ॥

One kinkari offered tambula, while another performed mangala-aratrika with a jeweled lamp, showing such care and love that she seemed to be giving her life a million times over to Radha and Krishna. (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 2.17)

Krishna’s Name

कृष्णनाम परामुक्तिः कृष्णनाम परागतिः ।
कृष्णनाम परं पुण्यः कृष्णनाम परं फलम् ॥
कृष्णनाम परोधन्यः कृष्णनाम परं तपः ।
कृष्णनाम पराशक्तिः कृष्णनाम परास्तुतिः ॥
कृष्णनाम पराभक्तिः कृष्णनाम परास्मृतिः ।
कृष्णनाम परं यज्ञं कृष्णनाम परामतिः ॥
कृष्णनाम परं ज्ञानं कृष्णनाम परास्थितिः ।
कृष्णनाम परं दानं कृष्णनाम जगत्प्रियः ॥
कृष्णनाम परं श्राद्धं पितृणां तर्पणः परम् ।
कृष्णनाम पराप्रीतिः कृष्णनाम परः प्रभुः ॥
कृष्णनाम जगत्सत्यं जन्तुनां करणं परम् ।
जीवनं शरणं कृष्णनामैव विपुलं धनम् ॥

Krishna’s name is the supreme freedom and the supreme refuge.
Krishna’s name is the supreme virtue and the supreme reward.
Krishna’s name is the supreme treasure and the supreme austerity.
Krishna’s name is the supreme power and the supreme praise.
Krishna’s name is the supreme devotion and the supreme remembrance.
Krishna’s name is the supreme sacrifice and the supreme thought.
Krishna’s name is the supreme knowledge and the supreme abode.
Krishna’s name is the supreme gift and the friend of the world.
Krishna’s name is the supreme shraddha ceremony and the supreme offering to the ancestors.
Krishna’s name is the supreme love and the supreme master.
Krishna’s name is the universal truth and the supreme helper of the living beings.
Krishna’s name is indeed life, refuge and abundant wealth.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 2.16

काचित् प्रसूनाम्बु-दरार्द्रवाससा व्यत्यस्तरागाञ्जन-यावकादिकम् ।
मृष्ट्वा प्रतिस्वेक्षण-सिद्धये तयोर्मुखद्वयं दर्पणतां निनाय किम् ॥
One of the kinkaris moistened a small piece of fine, soft cloth with rose water and cleaned the collyrium, lac and tambula stains left here and there on their bodies. They became so lustrous that they could use each other’s face as a mirror. (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 2.16)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Govinda-LIlAmRtam 1.60

अथास्या वयस्याः प्रमोदात् स्मितास्याः सखीं तां हसन्त्यो मिथः प्रेरयन्त्यः ।
सशङ्काः समन्तात् प्रभाताद् दुरन्तात् प्रविष्टा निकुञ्जं सशब्दालिपुञ्जम् ॥

Full of joy and smiling brightly, Radha’s sakhis joked about her and urged each other to go into the kunja first. Anxious that the dreaded morning had come, they finally entered the bower, which was filled with the soft humming of bees. (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 1.60)

Friday, July 8, 2011

KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 1.23-24

ततः पुनस्तानथ टिट्टिभादीनुत्कूजतः प्राह विधूत-तन्द्रा ।
हंहो! क्षमध्वं शयितुं क्षणं मे दत्तेति सा मोटयदङ्गमीषत् ॥

The wild cocks, partridges and other birds resumed their chirping and once again awakened Radha. She stretched her body slightly and said, “O birds, please forgive me.  Just let me sleep a little while longer.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 1.23)

कादम्ब-कारण्डव-हंस-सारसाः कपोत-शारी-शुक-केकि-कोकिलाः ।
जगुः कलं केलिवनी-जलस्थल-प्रचारिणः कृष्ण-कथामृतोपमम् ॥

Then the geese, ducks, swans, cranes and other aquatic birds living in the pleasure grove joined with the doves, mynahs, parrots, peacocks, cuckoos and other land birds in a sweet harmony of warbling as nectarous as the stories of Krishna. (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 1.24)

Friday, May 13, 2011


हृदोऽनुरागं कुच-कुङ्कुमच्छलान्न्यधत्त राधाच्युत-पादपद्मयोः ।
यावद्रवारक्ततरालको दधौ मूर्ध्नैव सोऽस्याः पदयोस्तमुज्ज्वलम् ॥

Visakha said, “O Sakhi! Look at that! Under the guise of kunkuma from her breasts, our Radha has deposited her heart’s affection on Krishna’s lotus feet. And Krishna is carrying his love for Radha’s lotus feet in the reddish lac smeared upon his head.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 2.5) 

इत्थं क्षणं तावदलक्षिताङ्ग्यो नीचैः स्वरं तावनुवर्णयन्त्यः ।
भाग्यं स्वमेवातिसभाजयन्त्यो ममज्जुरानन्द-महोदधौ ताः ॥

Remaining unseen, the sakhis quietly recounted Radha-Krishna’s pastimes for a while and celebrated their own good fortune. In this way they gradually sank deeper into the vast ocean of bliss. (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 2.6) 

Domain name

I'll probably be allowing my sharanam.org domain to expire in July, so if you want to keep reading this blog, please change your bookmark to the blogger address above.

Also, it appears that as a result of "maintenance" yesterday, blogger has lost the last several posts that I made.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sri Radha Finally Wakes (Updated 4/20)

atha prabudhyaiva vidhUya pakSAn grIvAH samunnIya cukUjur uccaiH |
yat kukkuTAH paJca-Sa-vAram Adau rAdhA jajAgAra tadApta-bAdhA ||

  After waking, the wild cocks shook their feathers, raised their necks and crowed loudly five or six times. Realizing that morning had come, Sri Radha grudgingly rose from her sleep. (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 1.20)

kRSNANga-saMzleSa-vizeSa-bAdhinas tAn eva matveti zazApa sA ruSA |
are! paretAzu pareta-rATpuraM tatraiva kiM kUjata no padAyudhAH? || 

Feeling that her pleasant embrace with Krishna had been disturbed by all this noise, she angrily cursed the cocks. “Hey, you foot-fighters! Why don’t you quickly drop dead and resume your crowing in hell?” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 1.21)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Krishna! Get up! (Updated 4/13)

iti nigaditavatyaH zArikAH premavatyaH
sukhada-pada-padArthAM vAcam utthApanArthAm |
yadi kim api viremuH patriNas taM praNemuH
samupasRta-nikuJjAH prApta-sammoda-puJjAH ||

  Speaking in this pleasant and eloquent way, the adoring mynahs tried to rouse Sri Radha. When they had more or less given up, the birds who had come to the bower then joyfully offered their respects to Sri Krishna instead. (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 1.16)

atha zayana-satRSNaM bodhayAmAsa kRSNaM
vitatir api zukAnAM kRSNa-harSotsukAnAm |
zravaNa-sukhada-saumyaiH snigdha-zabdArtha-ramyaiH
sarasataram analpaiH kUjitaiH sIdhu-kalpaiH ||

  Eager to please the sleepy Krishna, a group of parrots awakened him by making sweet, nectarous sounds and speaking affectionate words that were soothing to the ear, cheerful and charming. (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 1.17)

praNaya-rasa-gabhIrAz cAru-zabdArtha-dhIrAH
kala-sumadhura-kaNThAH prema-jalpeSv akuNThAH |
sati samaya-viveke bodhayAM cakrur eke
na khalu bata vidagdhAH kArya-kAle vimugdhAH ||

  Without hesitation, they all began to chatter with soft, sweet voices, speaking charming words full of deep love and meaning. Indeed! When it’s time for the skilled to perform their work, there is no confusion! (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 1.18)  

subhaga! rajani-zeSe svApa-gehe suzeSe
tvam iti hi jananI te saMzayaM svaM dhunIte |
samayam atha viditvA jAgarArthaM tvaritvA
svayam iyam upagantrI sneha evAtra mantrI ||

  “O charming one! Thinking that you are sound asleep in your own room, Mother Yashoda hasn’t been concerned. But now that it is time to awaken you, her motherly affection will certainly bring her quickly to your bedside.” (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 1.23)

tvam asi samaya-vettA sarva-duHkhaika-bhettA
bhavasi bhuvana-bandhuH sad-guNa-grAma-sindhuH |
vratati-bhavana-talpaM mUrtiman-moda-kalpaM
yad api tad api muJca svasti te’smAd udaJca ||

  “You are the knower of time, the only destroyer of all miseries, the friend to everyone and an ocean of good qualities. Though this soft bed of creepers may seem like the embodiment of pleasure to you, still, for your own good, you must rise and leave it.” (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 1.22)

mada-madhupa-yuvAnaH prApta-doSAvasAnaH
cyuta-kusuma-vanAntaH svApam udyAtavantaH |
dadhati katipayathyAM kelim ambhoja-vIthyAM
sati samaya-viveke ke vimuhyanti loke? ||

  “Within the flower-strewn forest, a group of drunken young bees woke at daybreak and are now sporting in a cluster of lotuses. Is anyone in the world confused about determining the proper time for an activity?” (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 1.20) 

kvacana mukha-viSAdaH kvApi hAsa-prasAdaH
kva ca dayita-viyogaH kvApi kAntasya yogaH |
kumuda-kamala-vIthyor vaisadRzye’titathye
bhavati kim-u na kAlaH kSobha-zobhA-vizAlaH ||

  “In one place, the white water-lilies’ faces are sad, while in another, the blue lotuses are smiling brightly.* Somewhere, lovers are separating, and somewhere else, other lovers are meeting. Is it not time only that determines one’s happiness or distress in this circumstance?” (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 1.21)

*The white lily blooms at night, whereas the blue lotus blooms in the day.

jaya subhaga! namas te zrUyatAM satvaras te
cira-zayana-sapIDaH kauty ayaM tAmra-cUDaH |
na hi samaya-vidagdhaH kArya-kAle vimugdhaH ||

“O fortunate one, may victory be yours. I offer my obeisance. Now please listen to me. After seeing you asleep for so long, the red-crested cock became upset but now loudly cries in joy, knowing the time for his seva has arrived. When it’s time for his duties, a person who knows the established customs is never bewildered.” (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 1.27)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Mynahs Try to Wake Radha---Again! (Updated 3/29)

agaNita-kula-niSThA mA nikuJje zayiSThAH parihara surata-ghnaM svApam udgaccha zIghram |
samajani savizeSaH pazya doSAvazeSaH kuru na gata-samAdhAM bandhu-vargasya bAdhAm ||

  “O Radhe! Have you not considered your family dignity? You should not be lying in this kunja! Give up this sleep, which only deprives you of enjoyment, and quickly rise from your bed.  Just look; the end of night is here. Please don’t cause your relatives to suffer.” (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 1.4)

iyam ajani digaindrI dRzyatAM devi! sAndrI-bhavad-aruNima-dhArA tvat-pAdAbjAnukArA |
iyam api ca varAkI satvarA cakravAkI parimilita rathAGge jAta-viccheda-bhaGge ||

“Look, O playful one, the eastern sky has become a deep crimson in imitation of your lotus feet. And just see how the cakravaki quickly reunites with her mate after their sorrowful night of separation.” (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 1.5)

api tava mukha-zobhAm-Aptu-kAmo’tilobhAd
aparikalita-kAmaH svaM vapus tyaktu-kAmaH |
carama-zikhari-zRGgaM prApya pazyaiva tuGgaM
vrajati zazadharo’staM vArayed adya kas tam ||

  “The moon, wishing her face to be as lustrous as yours, now wants to abandon her own body in disappointment. She is plummeting from a high peak of the western mountains to end her life. Who can possibly prevent this tragedy?” (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 1.6)

nija-kara-paripuSTA pazya seyaM praviSTA
zazi-mukhi! lalitAGgI sannidhau te kuraGgI |
kuru sa-kRpam apAGge kiJcid aJcat-taraGge
bhavatu bata kRtArthA prItaye te samarthA ||

  “O moon-face! Look! Here comes that beautiful, frolicsome doe that you have nourished by your own hand. Cast your merciful sidelong glance upon her, for she always brings you great joy.” (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 1.12)

nava-kizalaya-buddhyA jAtito’ntar vizuddhyA-
ruNa-pada-kamalaM te svAdituM kRSNa-kAnte! |
tvaritam upasarantI tvat-sakhInAM vahantI
kara-sarasija-ghAtaM yA vidhatte prayAtam ||

  “O beloved of Krishna! Thinking that your reddish lotus feet are tender new leaves, that innocent doe is swiftly coming for a taste. Even though your sakhis push her away with their lotus hands, she keeps trying!” (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 1.13)

zazi-mukhi! tava phelA-mAtra-bhoge sakhelA tava pada-jala-pAnAmoda-mAtrAvadhAnA |
api bhavad avalokAbhAva-saJjAta-zokA tava mukha-zazi-bimbAloka-mAtrAvalambA ||

“O moon-face! The playful doe longs only for the joy of tasting the remnants of your food and the water that has washed your feet. But saddened because you haven’t yet looked at her, she can only gaze at your moonlike face.” (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 1.14)

harir atikutukI te netra-yugmaM mimIte nayana-yugam amAya-prema yasyAH pramAya |
kim api vimala-muktA-mAlayA cAru-vaktA niyatam upamimAnaH saMzayaM nirdhunAnaH ||

“After curiously measuring the innocent, love-filled eyes of the doe, Hari is now doing the same with yours. To remove any doubt of their similarity, while speaking sweetly he repeatedly compares them using a spotless string of pearls.” (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 1.15)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Krishna Decorates Radha

athAmunA kaGkatikAM zanaiH zanair vikarSatA bhAnumatI-karArpitAm |
kacAvalI saMstriyate sma mAlatI-mAlota-veNI-racanA-paTIyasA ||

Bhanumati Manjari then gave Krishna a comb and he very gently dressed Radha’s shining hair, carefully interweaving her long braid with a beautiful garland of malati flowers. (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 2.25) 

kastUrikA-candana-kuGkuma-dravaiH sambhAvitais tAm anurAgalekhayA |
cakAra mAlAJcita-cAru-citrakAM sa citra-cuJcur dhRta-navya-vartikaH ||

Next, Krishna took a soft new brush and, with liquified musk, sandalwood and saffron prepared by Ragalekha Manjari, he very skillfully painted elegant decorations on Srimati’s forehead. (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 2.26) 

tATaGka-yugmena lavaGga-maJjarI-sampAditApUrva-rucA sa cAruNI |
Anarca tasyAH zravaNe navAJjanenAnaJja kaJja-pratime tad-akSiNI ||

Then he adorned Radha’s delicate ears with wonderfully splendorous ornaments made by Lavanga Manjari and applied fresh collyrium around her lovely lotus eyes. (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 2.27) 

Monday, January 31, 2011

Incomparable Beauty

rUpAmRtaM me tri-jagad-vilakSaNaM niHsIma-mAdhuryam idaM ca yauvanam |
adyaiva sAphalyam avApa sarvathA preyAn upAbhuGktatamAM mudA yataH ||

“Today my incomparable beauty and boundless sweetness of youth have reached perfection because they have been lovingly enjoyed by my sweetheart.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 2.20)

saivaM vicintya kSaNam Aha kAntaM tad-akSi-pItAkhila-mAdhurIkA |
svAntar mudAtyartha-lasad-dRganta-lakSmI-vihArAyatanAsya-padmam ||

While Radha was thinking like that, Krishna began to drink in her beauty with his eyes. Sensing his gaze, Radha felt unbounded joy within her heart and made Krishna’s lotus face the playground of her sidelong glances. (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 2.21)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Radha's Morning-Lotus Face

utthAyezaH sanniviSTo’tha talpe vyAjAn nidrA-zAlinIM mIlitAkSIm |
dorbhyAM kAntAM svAGkam AnIya tAntAM pazyaty asyA mAdhurIM sAdhu-rIti ||

  After Sri Krishna sat up in bed, he pretended to fall asleep again. Then, with both arms, he pulled Sri Radha, tired and with eyes closed, onto his lap to gaze intently upon her sweet and gentle features. (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 1.51) 

ghUrNAyamAnekSaNa-khaJjarITaM lalATa-lolAlaka-bhRGga-jAlam |
mukhaM prabhAtAbja-nibhaM priyAyAH papau dRzeSat-smitam acyuto’sau ||

  Smiling softly, he drank in the beauty of her morning-lotus face as her restless eyes danced like wagtails, and locks of dark hair fell upon her brow like rows of black bees. (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 1.52)

saMzliSTa-sarvAGguli-bAhu-yugmam unmathya1 dehaM parimoTayantIm |
udbuddha-jRmbhA-sphuTa-danta-kAntim Alokya kAntAM mumude mukundaH ||

 Then Srimati raised her arms with fingers clasped, stretched her body and yawned, revealing her lovely teeth. Seeing this, Krishna’s heart filled with joy. (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 1.53) 

tadaiva jRmbhottha-radAMzu-jAla-mANikya-dIpair nirarAjayat kim |
sa-nidram unmudra-dRganta-lakSmI-rasa-jJayAnyonya-vilihyamAnam ||

 Both yawning now, the splendor of their teeth made it seem as though they worshipped each other with lustrous ruby lamps. With the tongues of their sleepy side-long glances, they began to taste each other’s abundant sweetness. (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 1.40)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

From KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam

kala-kvaNat-kaGkaGa-nUpuraM javAd
atyucchalad-gAtra-yuga-cchavi-cchaTAm |
tATaGka-hAra-dyuti-dIpitAnanam ||

Their ankle bells, bangles and other ornaments immediately began to jingle melodiously, and a beautiful glow emanated from their bodies. Their charming faces, surrounded by disheveled locks of hair, were brightened by the luster of their necklaces and earrings. (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 1.36)

itas-tato nyasta-karAbja-maJjulam |
zayyotthitaM keli-vilAsinos tayos
trailokya-lakSmIm iva saJcikAya tat ||

Feeling embarrassed, they sat up in bed and moved their beautiful lotus hands all about, searching for their scattered clothing. It seemed as though all the beauty and opulence of the three worlds had gathered in those two lovers. (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 1.37)

Monday, January 10, 2011


sudati! kumudinInAm aGkam AsAdya lInA
mada-madhukara-mAlA kAlam AsAdya lolA |
sarati kamalinInAM rAjim etAm adInAM
bhavati samaya eva glAni-harSAdidevaH ||

“O Sudati (One with nice teeth)! Drunken honeybees, having rested in the laps of white water lilies for the night, become restless now and excitedly move to the blooming lotuses! The cause of the bees shaking off their languor and becoming joyful can only be the time of day.” (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 1.7)

viyad-atilaghu-tAraM tvad-vapuH kSuNNa-hAraM
vigalita-kusumAnAM varSma zephAlikAnAm |
tritayam idam idAnIm eka-rUpaM tadAnIm
api yad api tathApi tvad-vapuH zrIbhir Api ||

“The stars have faded from the sky, your broken necklace has fallen from your body, and the white flowers of the coral jasmine trees have dropped to the ground. Even though all three have lost their ornaments, only your body has kept its exquisite beauty.” (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 1.10)

truTita-patita-muktA-hAravat te viyuktA
bhavad uDu-tatir eSA svalpa-mAtrAvazeSA |
cira-zayanam avekSyArundhatI te vilakSyA
bhavad iva parivakre pazya saptarSi-cakre ||

“Just as the pearls from your broken necklace have fallen to the ground, the stars have disappeared from the sky and now only a few remain. Just look! As though astonished at seeing you sleep for so long, Arundhati now hides within the constellation of Seven Rishis.” (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 1.11)

iti kala-vacanAnAM zArikANAM zukAnAM
rutam atizaya-ramyaM zrotra-peyaM nizamya |
vihita-zayana-bAdhA sA jajAgAra rAdhA
prathamam atha sa kRSNaH svApa-lIlA-vitRSNaH ||

In this way, after hearing the sweet, pleasant words of the parrots and mynahs, Sri Radha awoke, able to sleep no longer. Then Sri Krishna also awoke, satisfied by his restful slumber. (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 1.28)

yugapad ubhaya-nidrA-bhaGga-vidhvasta-mudrA
yugapad ubhaya-netrApAGga-bhaGgI vicitrA |
yugapad ubhaya-ghUrNA-jAta-saMkleza-pUrNA
bhavad ubhaya-vilokAbhAvataH prApta-zokA ||

As they both gave up their drowsiness, their eyes opened simultaneously and they began to cast charming side-long glances at each other. Then their minds began to whirl and they became very disturbed, so much so that it interfered with their vision of each other. This made them very unhappy. (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 1.29)