Friday, July 8, 2011

KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 1.23-24

ततः पुनस्तानथ टिट्टिभादीनुत्कूजतः प्राह विधूत-तन्द्रा ।
हंहो! क्षमध्वं शयितुं क्षणं मे दत्तेति सा मोटयदङ्गमीषत् ॥

The wild cocks, partridges and other birds resumed their chirping and once again awakened Radha. She stretched her body slightly and said, “O birds, please forgive me.  Just let me sleep a little while longer.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 1.23)

कादम्ब-कारण्डव-हंस-सारसाः कपोत-शारी-शुक-केकि-कोकिलाः ।
जगुः कलं केलिवनी-जलस्थल-प्रचारिणः कृष्ण-कथामृतोपमम् ॥

Then the geese, ducks, swans, cranes and other aquatic birds living in the pleasure grove joined with the doves, mynahs, parrots, peacocks, cuckoos and other land birds in a sweet harmony of warbling as nectarous as the stories of Krishna. (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 1.24)

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