Monday, September 19, 2011

Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 1.77-78

शङ्कापङ्काकलित-हृदया शङ्कतेऽस्या धवाम्बा छिद्रान्वेषी पतिरतिकटुः सार्थनामाभिमन्युः ।
रुष्टाभीक्ष्णं परिवदति सा हा ननन्दापि मन्दा प्रातर्जातं तदपि सरलां कृष्ण नैनां जहासि ॥

“O Kṛṣṇa! The heart of Rādhā’s mother-in-law is covered with the mud of fear and therefore she is always suspicious. Rādhā’s husband Abhimanyu lives up to his name by being disagreeable, angry and finding fault with others. Her dull-headed sister-in-law is always grouchy and very critical. Why are you not leaving this simple-hearted girl even though the night has ended?” 

सारीवचो-मन्दरशैलपात-संक्षुब्धहृद्दुग्धपयोधिरेषा ।
अथोद्भ्रमन्नेत्र-नवीनमीना वियोगदीना शयनादुदस्थात् ॥

The mynah’s words were like Mandara Mountain falling into Rādhā’s milk-ocean heart. She became very agitated and her eyes began to whirl like two young fish swimming about. Feeling depressed at the thought of leaving Kṛṣṇa, she finally rose from the bed.

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