Sunday, September 23, 2012

BSS Prātaḥ 5

ता विद्युदुद्द्युतिजयि-प्रपदैकरेखा वैदग्ध्य एव किल मूर्तिभृतस्तथापि ।
यूथेश्वरीत्वमपि सम्यगरोचयित्वा दास्यामृताब्धिमनु सस्नुरजस्रमस्याः ॥ ५ ॥
tā vidyud-uddyuti-jayi-prapadaika-rekhā vaidagdhya eva kila mūrti-bhṛtas tathāpi |
yūtheśvarītvam api samyag arocayitvā dāsyāmṛtābdhim anu sasnur ajasram asyāḥ || 5 ||

     Even a single ray of effulgence from the tips of their toes is more brilliant than a bolt of lightning. They are the embodiment of cleverness, and even though each is worthy to be a group leader,  they are completely disinterested and would rather continuously bathe in the nectarous ocean of service to Śrī Rādhā. (Kṛṣṇa-Bhāvanāmṛtam 3.2)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

BSS Prātaḥ 3-4

राधां स्नातविभूषितां व्रजपयाहूतां सखीभिः प्रगे तद्गेहे विहितान्नपाकरचनां कृष्णावशेषाशनाम् ।
कृष्णं बुद्धमवाप्तधेनुसदनं निर्व्यूढगोदोहनं सुस्नातं कृतभोजनं सहचरैस्तां चाथ तं चाश्रये ॥ ३ ॥
rādhāṁ snāta-vibhūṣitāṁ vraja-payāhūtāṁ sakhībhiḥ prage
tad-gehe vihitānnapāka-racanāṁ kṛṣṇāvaśeṣāśanām |
kṛṣṇaṁ buddham avāpta-dhenu-sadanaṁ nirvyūḍha-godohanaṁ
susnātaṁ kṛta-bhojanaṁ sahacarais tāṁ cātha taṁ cāśraye || 3 ||

     I seek refuge at the lotus feet of Śrī Rādhikā. After being bathed and decorated in the early morning, she and her sakhīs are called by Mother Yaśodā to cook for Kṛṣṇa, and afterwards, they all eat the food remnants left by him. I also seek refuge from Śrī Kṛṣṇa, who wakes in the morning and goes to the cow shed to milk the cows, then returns, bathes and eats breakfast along with his dear friends. (Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 2.1)

स्नातानुलिप्त-वपुषः पुपुषुः स्वभास्तन्निर्माल्य-माल्य-वसनाभरणेन दास्यः ।
प्रास्य स्वकाममनुवृत्तिरतास्तयोर्याः श्रीरूपमञ्जरि-समान-गुणाभिधानाः ॥ ४ ॥
snātānulipta-vapuṣaḥ pupuṣuḥ svabhās tan nirmālya-mālya-vasanābharaṇena dāsyaḥ |
prāsya svakāmam anuvṛtti-ratās tayor yāḥ śrī-rūpa-mañjari-samāna-guṇābhidhānāḥ || 4 ||

     After Śrī Rādhā arrived home and fell asleep, Śrī Rūpa Mañjarī and the other kiṅkarīs bathed and anointed their bodies with candana and ointments. Then, to make themselves even more beautiful, they donned Śrīmatī’s prasādī garlands, clothing and ornaments. All of these maidservants, equal in splendor, charming qualities and good name, have long ago given up all personal desires in order to devote themselves to the loving service of Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa. (Kṛṣṇa-Bhāvanāmṛtam 3.1)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Prātar-Līlā from Bhāvanā-Sāra-Saṅgrahaḥ

पश्यन्तीं स्वसुतं शचि भगवती सङ्कीर्तने विक्षतं प्रातर्हा कथमेव ते वपुरिदं सूनो बभूव क्षतम् ।
इत्थं लालनतः स्वपुत्र-वनुषि व्यग्रा स्पृशन्ती मुहुस्तल्पाज्जागरयांचकार यमहं तं गौरचन्द्रं भजे ॥ १ ॥
paśyantīṁ svasutaṁ śaci bhagavatī saṅkīrtane vikṣataṁ
prātar hā katham eva te vapur idaṁ sūno babhūva kṣatam |
itthaṁ lālanataḥ svaputra-vanuṣi vyagrā spṛśantī muhus
talpāj jāgarayāṁ cakāra yam ahaṁ taṁ gauracandraṁ bhaje || 1 ||

I worship Śrī Gauracandra, who, in the early morning, lay sleeping in his bed, his body wounded from the previous night’s saṅkīrtana. When Bhagavatī Śacī Mātā saw him like this, she cried, “Hāy! Hāy my son! How has this happened to you?” Anxiously caressing his body again and again, she woke him and made him rise from bed.

भक्तैः सार्धमुपागतैर्भुवि नतैः श्रीवास-गुप्तादिभिः पृच्छद्भिः कुशलं प्रगे परिमिलन् प्रक्षाल्य वक्त्रं जलैः ।
पुष्पादि-प्रतिवासितैः सुकथयन् स्वप्नानुभूतां कथां स्नात्वाद्याद्धरिशेषमोदनवरं यस्तं हि गौरं भजे ॥ २ ॥
bhaktaiḥ sārdham upāgatair bhuvi nataiḥ śrīvāsa-guptādibhiḥ
pṛcchadbhiḥ kuśalaṁ prage parimilan prakṣālya vaktraṁ jalaiḥ |
puṣpādi-prativāsitaiḥ sukathayan svapnānubhūtāṁ kathāṁ
snātvādyād dhari-śeṣam odana-varaṁ yas taṁ hi gauraṁ bhaje || 2 ||

I worship the most compassionate Śrī Gauracandra. In the early morning, Śrīvāsa Paṇḍita, Murāri Gupta and the other bhaktas arrived before Mahāprabhu, offered daṇḍavats and inquired about his well-being. After greeting them, he washed his face with flower-scented water and described the wonderful dream he had just experienced. Then, after bathing, Gaurasundara enjoyed the prasāda from Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s morning meal.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

A Poem

You pulled me in,
made my head spin,
you turned me inside out.

You broke my heart,
tore me apart,
you left me filled with doubt.

I gave my all,
I took the fall,
you never gave anything back.

And now I'm done,
you've had your fun,
you made my heart turn black.