Monday, October 3, 2011

Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 1.80-82

परिवर्तितसंव्यानौ मिथस्तावथ शङ्कितौ ।
परस्परकरालम्बौ निरगातां निकुञ्जतः ॥

Wearing each other’s clothing and feeling anxious, Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa held hands as they emerged from the bower. 

राधा-पाणिं सव्येऽसव्ये पाणौ बिभ्रद् वेणुं कृष्णः ।
रेजे कुञ्जान्निर्यन् यद्वद् विद्युन्मालाश्लिष्टाम्भोदः ॥

As Kṛṣṇa left the kuñja, holding Śrīmatī’s hand in his left hand and his flute in his right, it appeared as though a beautiful rain-cloud were embracing a streak of lightning.

हैमं भृङ्गारमेका व्यजनमथ परा स्वर्णदण्डं दधाना
काप्यादर्शं सुदर्शं घुसृण-मलयजाऽमत्रमन्या विचित्रम् ।
काचित्ताम्बूलपात्रं मणिचितमपरा सारिकां पञ्जरस्थाम्
इत्थं सख्यः कियत्याः प्रमुदितहृदया निर्ययुः कुञ्जगेहात् ॥

Then, as the sakhīs joyfully left the bower house, someone carried a golden pitcher, someone held a fan with a golden handle, and someone else held a lovely mirror. One sakhī carried a multicolored container for saffron and sandalwood, another carried a jeweled vessel for tāmbūla, and someone else held a caged mynah.

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