Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 1.72

विलोक्य लीलामृतसिन्धुमग्नौ तौ ताः सखीश्च प्रणयोन्मदान्धाः ।
वृन्दा प्रभातोदयजातशङ्का निजेङ्गितज्ञां निदिदेश सारीम् ॥

Vṛndā saw that Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa were immersed within the ocean of līlāmṛta and the sakhīs had been blinded by the intoxication of love. Concerned that daybreak had arrived, she gestured an order to one of the mynah birds.

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