Sunday, November 18, 2012

BSS Prātaḥ 24

तद्वचः प्रतिबुद्धाथ विशाखोत्थाय सालसा ।
सखि! तूर्णं समुत्तिष्ठोत्तिष्ठेति प्राह सत्वरा ॥ २४ ॥

tad-vacaḥ pratibuddhātha viśākhotthāya sālasā |
sakhi! tūrṇaṁ samuttiṣṭhottiṣṭheti prāha satvarā || 24 ||

     Hearing the old woman’s words, Viśākhā awakened from her sleep. Even though she felt very tired, she quickly rose and said to Śrīmatī, “Sakhī! Get up! Get up now!” (Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 2.50)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

BSS Prātaḥ 22-23

प्रभातमायातमहो तथापि निद्राति नप्त्रीति मुहुर्वदन्ती ।
स्नेहद्रुताङ्गी मुखरा प्रविश्य शय्यालयं तामवदत्तदेदम् ॥ २२ ॥
उत्तिष्ठ वत्से शयनात् प्रमुग्धे व्यस्मारि वारोऽद्य रवेस्त्वया किम्? ।
स्नात्वा प्रभातार्घ्यविधानमस्मै पूजोपहारं रचयास्य चाशु ॥ २३ ॥

prabhātam āyātam aho tathāpi nidrāti naptrīti muhur vadantī |
sneha-drutāṅgī mukharā praviśya śayyālayaṁ tām avadat tadedam || 22 ||
uttiṣṭha vatse śayanāt pramugdhe vyasmāri vāro’dya raves tvayā kim? |
snātvā prabhātārghya-vidhānam asmai pūjopahāraṁ racayāsya cāśu || 23 ||

     Mukharā exclaimed repeatedly, “How astonishing! Morning has come and my granddaughter is still sleeping!” Her heart softened by love, she entered Rādhā’s bedroom and said, “My darling child! Please get out of bed. O lovely one! Have you forgotten that today is Sunday? After you bathe, make the morning offering to Sūryadeva and then quickly prepare for his pūjā.” (Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 2.48-49)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

BSS Prātaḥ 21

वधूमथाभाषत पुत्रि! तल्पादुत्तिष्ठ तूर्णं कुरु वास्तुपूजाम् ।
त्वं मङ्गलस्नानविधिं विधाय पूजोपहारं सवितुर्विधेहि ॥ २१ ॥

vadhūm athābhāṣata putri! talpād uttiṣṭha tūrṇaṁ kuru vāstu-pūjām |
tvaṁ maṅgala-snāna-vidhiṁ vidhāya pūjopahāraṁ savitur vidhehi || 21 ||

     Jaṭilā addressed her daughter-in-law Śrī Rādhā, “O daughter! Please rise from bed now and quickly clean the house. Then take your bath and prepare the ingredients for sūrya-pūjā.” (Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 2.47)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

BSS Prātaḥ 17-20

स्वभाव-कुटिलाप्यात्म-सुतसम्पत्ति-काङ्क्षया ।
व्याकुला जटिला गत्वा निकटं तामथाब्रवीत् ॥ १७ ॥
सूनोः प्रजायुर्धनवृद्धयेऽसौ त्वया स्नुषा ज्ञे! नियतं नियोज्या ।
सुमङ्गल-स्नान-विभूषणादौ गोकोटिहेतोस्तपनार्चनाय ॥ १८ ॥
आज्ञानवज्ञा निजगोष्ठराज्ञ्याः कार्यानभिज्ञोक्तिषु तेऽप्यवज्ञा ।
इत्यादिशत्यन्वहमर्थविज्ञा विज्ञापिता मे किल पौर्णमासी ॥ १९ ॥
तस्मात्त्वमार्ये स्वां नप्त्रीं सर्वमङ्गल-मण्डिताम् ।
विधेहि सर्वसम्पत्तिर्यथा सूनोर्भवेन्मम ॥ २० ॥

svabhāva-kuṭilāpy ātma-suta-sampatti-kāṅkṣayā |
vyākulā jaṭilā gatvā nikaṭaṁ tām athābravīt || 17 ||
sūnoḥ prajāyur dhana-vṛddhaye’sau tvayā snuṣā jñe! niyataṁ niyojyā |
sumaṅgala-snāna-vibhūṣaṇādau go-koṭi-hetos tapanārcanāya || 18 ||
ājñānavajñā nija-goṣṭha-rājñyāḥ kāryānabhijñoktiṣu te’py avajñā |
ity ādiśaty anvaham artha-vijñā vijñāpitā me kila paurṇamāsī || 19 ||
tasmāt tvam ārye svāṁ naptrīṁ sarva-maṅgala-maṇḍitām |
vidhehi sarva-sampattir yathā sūnor bhaven mama || 20 ||

     Even though Jaṭilā is by nature very deceitful, in hopes of increasing her own son’s wealth, she said to Mukharā, “Every day, the all-knowing Paurṇamāsī tells me, ‘O wise one, to increase your son’s offspring, life-span and riches, and to help him acquire countless numbers of cows, please have your daughter-in-law take her auspicious bath and decorate herself with ornaments so she may perform sūrya-pūjā. Never neglect the order of goṣṭheśvarī Śrī Yaśodā, but don’t bother listening to the words of the ignorant.’ Therefore, O honorable Mukharā, to help my son become wealthy in every way, please adorn your granddaughter with all blessings of good fortune.” (Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 2.43-46)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

BSS Prātaḥ 16

नप्त्री-मुखाम्बुज-विलोकन-जीवितायां तत्रोपसृत्य सहसा मुखराभिधायाम् ।
वात्सल्य-रत्नपटली-भृतपेटिकायां राधे! क्व पुत्रि! भवसीति समाह्वयन्त्याम् ॥ १६ ॥

naptrī-mukhāmbuja-vilokana-jīvitāyāṁ tatropasṛtya sahasā mukharābhidhāyām |
vātsalya-ratna-paṭalī-bhṛta-peṭikāyāṁ rādhe! kva putri! bhavasīti samāhvayantyām || 16 ||

     At this time, Rādhā’s grandmother Mukharā, who is like a treasure chest full of the precious jewels of motherly affection, unexpectedly arrived at Śrīmatī’s home. Seeing Rādhikā’s beautiful face is the elixir that sustains her life. Coming inside, she began to call out, “Rādhe! My daughter! Where are you?” (Kṛṣṇa-Bhāvanāmṛtam 3.13)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

BSS Prātaḥ 15

जाग्रत्सु लोकनिचयेष्वथ वासरेति कर्तव्यभावनपरेष्वधिशयमेव ।
कृष्णेक्षण-क्षण-सतृष्णतया पुरन्ध्रीवृन्देषु नन्दगृह-सन्दित-मानसेषु ॥ १५ ॥

jāgratsu loka-nicayeṣv atha vāsareti kartavya-bhāvana-pareṣv adhiśayam eva |
kṛṣṇekṣaṇa-kṣaṇa-satṛṣṇatayā purandhrī-vṛndeṣu nanda-gṛha-sandita-mānaseṣu || 15 ||

     As all the Vrajavāsīs began to wake, they sat upon their beds and planned their day. Even the married women could think of nothing but going to Nanda Mahārāja’s house for a glimpse of Kṛṣṇa. (Kṛṣṇa-Bhāvanāmṛtam 3.12)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

BSS Prātaḥ 14

वृन्दिष्ठ-वन्दि-जनवृन्द-वितायमान-श्रीकृष्णकीर्ति-विरुदालि-सुधा-तरङ्गैः ।
शारीशुकव्रजकलैः कलविङ्क-केकि-कोलाहलैः क्रमत एव समेधमानैः ॥ १४ ॥

vṛndiṣṭha-vandi-jana-vṛnda-vitāyamāna-śrī-kṛṣṇa-kīrti-virudāli-sudhā-taraṅgaiḥ |
śārī-śuka-vraja-kalaiḥ kalaviṅka-keki-kolāhalaiḥ kramata eva samedhamānaiḥ || 14 ||

     The best of the panegyrists spread waves of ambrosia by singing the glories of Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s pastimes. The sweet warbling of the mynahs and parrots, and the loud cries of the sparrows, peacocks and other birds gradually became tumultuous. (Kṛṣṇa-Bhāvanāmṛtam 3.11)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

BSS Prātaḥ 13

अत्रान्तरे प्रतिदिशं दधिमन्थनोत्थ-रावैरवारित-महीसुर-वेदघोषैः ।
हम्बाध्वनि-व्यतिविधान-मिथोऽवधायि-धेन्वालि-तर्णकघटा वलदन्तरायैः ॥ १३ ॥

atrāntare pratidiśaṁ dadhi-manthanottha-rāvair avārita-mahīsura-veda-ghoṣaiḥ |
hambā-dhvani-vyatividhāna-mitho’vadhāyi-dhenvāli-tarṇaka-ghaṭā valad antarāyaiḥ || 13 ||

     Throughout the village, the sounds of people churning milk began to rise, while the local brāhmaṇas chanted Vedic mantras. Their loud chanting interfered with the cows who were calling for their calves, so the cows and calves mooed louder and louder. (Kṛṣṇa-Bhāvanāmṛtam 3.10)

Monday, November 5, 2012

BSS Prātaḥ 12

अन्या व्यधत्त सुमनाः सुमनोभिरेव चित्रैः किरीट-कटकाङ्गद-हार-काञ्चीः ।
जाती-लवङ्ग-खदिरादिभि रज्यमानाः काचिद्बबन्ध सुरसाः फणिवल्ली-वीटीः ॥ १२ ॥

anyā vyadhatta sumanāḥ sumanobhir eva citraiḥ kirīṭa-kaṭakāṅgada-hāra-kāñcīḥ |
jātī-lavaṅga-khadirādibhi rajyamānāḥ kācid babandha surasāḥ phaṇivallī-vīṭīḥ || 12 ||

     Another cheerful kiṅkarī fashioned a crown, bangles, necklaces and a sash out of fresh, multicolored flowers. Someone else lovingly prepared delicious tāmbūla (pāna) from nutmeg, cloves, catechu and other savory substances. (Kṛṣṇa-Bhāvanāmṛtam 3.9)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

BSS Prātaḥ 11

पूर्वेद्युरंशुक-मणिमय-भूषणानि मृष्टानि यत्र निहितान्यथ संपुटं तत् ।
उच्चैर्झणद्वलयराजि समुद्घटय्य काचिज्जघर्ष विधु-कुङ्कुम-चन्दनानि ॥ ११ ॥

pūrvedyur aṁśuka-maṇimaya-bhūṣaṇāni mṛṣṭāni yatra nihitāny atha saṁpuṭaṁ tat |
uccair jhaṇad-valaya-rāji samudghaṭayya kācij jagharṣa vidhu-kuṅkuma-candanāni || 11 ||

     The previous day, one mañjarī had cleaned and placed within a chest Rādhā’s fine dress and jeweled ornaments. Now, with bangles jingling, she opened the chest for a look and then began to grind camphor, kuṅkuma and sandalwood. (Kṛṣṇa-Bhāvanāmṛtam 3.8)

Friday, November 2, 2012

BSS Prātaḥ 10

एका ममार्ज मणि-काञ्चन-भाजनानि काचित् पयः समययोग्यमुपानिनाय ।
चित्रांशुकापिहित-रत्न-चतुष्किकायामालम्बनीयमदधादपरोपबर्हम् ॥ १० ॥
ekā mamārja maṇi-kāñcana-bhājanāni kācit payaḥ samaya-yogyam upānināya |
citrāṁśukāpihita-ratna-catuṣkikāyām ālambanīyam adadhād aparopabarham || 10 ||

     One kiṅkarī polished golden, gem-studded vessels, while another brought water appropriate for the season (cool in summer and warm in winter). Another dāsī placed fluffy pillows upon a jeweled seat covered with colorful cloth. (Kṛṣṇa-Bhāvanāmṛtam 3.7)