Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Remaining Bowers in Lalita's Kunja (Updated 12-26)

namra-zAkhA-bhujAzliSTa-phulla-hema-latA-cayaiH |
tamAlaiH kalpitaM jiSNu-nIla-ratnAvali-citam ||
nIla-padma-dalAkArair upakuJjASTakair vRtam |
suvarNa-karNikaM prAcyAM bhAti kuJjAsitAmbujam ||

 “On the eastern petal lies Asitambuja Kunja. Its golden pericarp is surrounded by eight bowers in the shape of blue-lotus petals inlaid with sapphires and covered with tamala trees whose branches bend with the weight of golden creepers in bloom.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.68-69)

avAcyAM padmarAgAdi-citAntar-bAhya-maNDalam |
lavaGgaiz chAditaM phullair bhAti kuJjAruNAmbujam ||
kuJjaM hemAmbujaM bhAti pratIcyAM phulla-campakaiH |
vallIbhiz chAditaM hema-cita-bAhyAntarAlakam ||

 “On the southern petal lies Arunambuja Kunja, inlaid inside and out with rubies and other jewels and covered with blooming clove trees. In the west lies Hemambuja Kunja, covered with blossoming campaka trees and creepers and studded all about with gold.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.70-71)

evam uttarAdi-kuJjA bhAnti rAdhA-hari-priyAH |
nAnA-varNAkAra-bhedAd dRzAM vismaya-kArinaH ||

 “Thus, all these various kunjas, which are very dear to Radha-Krishna, are amazing to see because of their distinctive colors and shapes.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.72)

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Northeast Petal (Updated 12-22)

aizAnyAM bhAty aSTa-patraM mAdhavI-kuJja-sArasam |
mAdhavAnandadaM nAma nAnA-lIlopahAra-yuk ||

“On the northeast petal lies a madhavi bower known as Madhavanandada Kunja. It is shaped like an eight-petaled lotus and provides the necessary materials for various pastimes.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.65)

Madhavi Flower

phulla-malllIbhir AzliSTa-namra-zAkhA-bhuja-vrajaiH |
chAditaM phulla-punnAgaiz candrakAnta-citAntaram ||
padma-patrAkAra-kuJjair veSTitaM svarNa-karNikam |
udIcyAM maNi-kiJjalkaM bhAti kuJjaM sitAmbujam ||

“On the northern petal lies Sitambuja Kunja, a beautiful lotus-shaped bower with a golden pericarp surrounded by filaments of jewels and leaflike bowers covered with moonstones and blooming nagakeshara trees, their branches bent low with blossoming jasmine vines.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.66-67)


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Southeast Petal (Updated 12-13)

AgneyAM bhAti padmAbha-ratna-hindola-kuTTimam |
pUrvApara-dig-utpanna-pravINa-bakulAgayoH ||
sAci kiJcid vinirgatya gatyA vakrordhvayopari |
militAbhyAM suzAkhAbhyAM chAditaM maNDapAkRti ||

“On the southeast petal lies a lotus-shaped, jeweled swing terrace with two old bakula trees, one on the western side and one on the east. Two of their beautiful branches have grown in a somewhat upward twist and joined above in the shape of a pavilion.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.55-56)

tac-chAkhA-mUla-saMnaddhaiH paTTa-rajju-catuSTayaiH |
dRDhair baddha-catuSkoNaM nAbhimAtrocca-saMsthiti ||

“Four strong silken ropes are bound to the bases of those two branches and then tied to the four corners of a swing, which hangs at the height of one’s navel.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.57)

padmarAgASTa-paTTibhiH pravAlaja-padASTakaiH |
ghaTitaM hasta-mAtrocca-paTTi-veSTana-kezaram ||
dvyaSTa-patrAmbujAkAra-ratnAli-citra-karNikam |
dvi-dvi-pAdAnvitAmbhoja-dalAbhASTa-dalair vRtam ||
ratna-paTTi-kezarAntar dvArASTaka-susaMyutam |
dakSiNe dala-pArzva-sthAroha-dvAra-dvayAnvitam ||
laghu-stambha-dvayAsakta-paTTi-pRSThAvalambakam |
paTTa-tUlI-lasan-madhyaM pArzva-pRSThopadhAnakam ||
nAnA-citrAMzukaiz channaM svarNa-sUtrAmbarair api |
lasac-candrAvalI-muktA-dAma-guccha-vitAnakam ||
yatrASTa-dala-gAlInAM madhya-gau rAdhikAcyutau |
gAyad-anya-vayasyAbhir vRndA dolayatIzvarau ||
svArUDha-rAdhAcyutayoH sarvAbhimukhatAkaram |
hindolAmbujam AbhAti madanAndolanAbhidham || (aSTabhiH kulakam)

“That beautiful lotus-shaped swing, known as MadanAndolana, has a sixteen-petaled, jeweled lotus throne as its pericarp, surrounded by eight hand-high footstools inlaid with coral as its filaments and eight seats inlaid with rubies as its outer petals. The seats all have silken cushions, side pillows and back-bolsters supported by two small posts. Two doors on the right-hand side allow the swing to be mounted, while eight more doorways join the main seat with the outer ones. Above the swing hangs a canopy covered with colorful cloth interwoven with golden threads and adorned with shining moons, strings of pearls and clusters of flowers. With Their Lordships Radhika and Acyuta sitting in the center as the cynosure of everyone’s eyes, and their eight sakhis on the petals, Vrindadevi pushes the swing along with several other singing gopis.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.58-64) (This is a first draft, so some of this may change.)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Description of Lalita's Kunja (Updated 11-29)

cakAsty udIcyAM dizi tIrtha-sannidhAv anaGga-raGgAmbuja-nAma-catvaram |
padmAbha-kuJjASTa-dalair virAjitaM suhema-rambhAvali-kezarAnvitam ||

“Near the bathing ghat on the northern side of Sri Radha-Kunda lies an effulgent lotus-shaped courtyard named Ananga-Rangambuja, with eight bowers as its petals and golden plantain trees its filaments.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.31)

sahasra-patrAmbuja-sannibhaM sphurat suvarNa-sat-kuTTima-maJju-karNikam |
lIlAnukUlyocita-santatollasad-vistIrNatA-lAghavam unnata-prabham ||

“Its enchanting pericarp is a radiant golden terrace resembling a thousand-petaled lotus that expands or contracts according to the lila.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.32)

lalitA-ziSyayA nityaM kalAvatyA susaMskRtam |
sarvartu-sukha-sampannaM nAnA-keli-rasAkaram ||

“The area is always kept in good order by Lalita’s student Kalavati, it provides pleasure in all seasons, and is a repository of the various rasas of amorous play.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.33)

lalitAnandadaM rAdhA-kRSNayoH sa-vayasyayoH |
nikuJja-rAjayoH paTTa-mandiraM sphurad-indiram ||

“This kunja, known as Lalitanandada, is the splendorous throne chamber of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna, the sovereigns of the bowers, and their friends.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.34)

mANikya-kezara-zreNI-veSTita-svarNa-karNikam |
bahir bahiH kramAd vardhamAna-saMkhyA-pramANakaiH ||
ekaika-varNa-sad-ratna-kadambenAcitaiH pRthak |
racitaM bahubhiz cAru-sama-patrAli-maNDalaiH ||
paJcendriyAhlAda-karaiH zaityAdy-abja-guNair yutam |
tad-bahiH kramazaH svarNair vaidUryair indranIlakaiH ||
sphaTikaiH padmarAgaiz ca citair maNDapa-paJcakaiH |
zobhitaM maNDapeSv antar nAnA-ratna-vinirmitaiH ||
kevalair mithunI-bhAva-saGgatair mRga-pakSibhiH |
devair nRbhir yutaM cAnyaiz citritai rasa-dIpanaiH ||
kezarAdi-zAkhi-zAkhikAli-sad-vitAnakam |
antarasya bhAti jAnu-daghna-ratna-kuTTimA-
gAra-madhya-karNikA-sahasra-patra-sArasam ||

“That golden pericarp, a circular knee-high jeweled terrace in the center of the courtyard, is surrounded by ruby filaments and covered by a canopy of naga-kesara and other trees, their branches filled with leaves and flowers of five colors. Around that lie many rows of beautiful uniformly-shaped petals inlaid with jewels of various colors, spreading outward in increasing numbers and having the pleasing qualities of a lotus such as coolness and so on. Outside of that lie five pavilions, decorated successively with gold, lapis-lazuli, emeralds, crystals and rubies. Within the pavilions are extraordinary statues, meant to stimulate rasa, formed from precious stones into the shapes of animals, birds, gods, humans and other beings joined in sexual embrace.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.35-40)

AmUla-puSpitAzoka-vallI-maNDala-saJcayaiH |
sitAruNa-harit-pIta-zyAma-puSpaiH prakalpitaiH ||
padma-puSpa-dalAkArair upakuJjASTakair vRtam |
pravINa-tAdRzAzoka-taru-kuJja-varATakaiH ||
vasanta-sukhadaM yasya bhRGga-kokila-nAditam |
vAyavyAM dizi bhAty aSTa-dala-kuJjAmbujaM dalam ||

“The northwest petal of Lalita’s kunja is called Vasanta-Sukhada, which means ‘giving the delight of springtime.’ It is shaped like a lotus, with eight bowers as its petals and a stand of blooming ashoka trees its pericarp. Adorned with groups of ashoka trees and creepers bearing fully-blossomed white, red, green, yellow and blue flowers, the area always resounds with the singing of bees and cuckoos.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.41-43)

zrI-padma-mandiraM nAma nairRtyAM rAjate dalam |
catur-dvAraM catuS-pArzve vAtAyana-samanvitam ||

“On the southwest petal lies a building called the Sri Padma Mandira that has four sides, with a door and window on each side.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.44)

nAnA-maNi-citAneka-citra-bhitti-catuSTayam |
antaH sa-kRSNa-gopInAM pUrva-rAgAdi-ceSTitaiH ||
rAsa-kuJja-vilAsaiz ca lalitA-citritair yutam |
pUtanAriSTa-saMhArAdy-anta-tac-caritair bahiH ||

“The walls are inlaid with various kinds of jewels and adorned with many pictures painted by Lalita. On the inside are paintings of Krishna’s activities with the gopis, such as the dawning of their love and pastimes in the rasa-kunja, and on the outside, paintings of Krishna killing Putana, Arishta and so on.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.45-46)

ratnAli-dyuti-kiJjalkaM sad-garbhAgAra-karNikam |
bahir abja-dalAkArair vRtaM SoDaza-koSThakaiH ||

“The beautiful inner chamber of the Padma Mandira is its pericarp, with the luster of many gems its filaments. Around that lie sixteen more rooms in the shape of lotus petals.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.47)

tat-tad-yugAntarAla-sthair dvyaSTopakoSThakair api |
Urdhve tAdRk-sanniveza-sphurad-aTTAlikAnvitam ||

“Between those lotus-petal rooms lie sixteen smaller ones, with a resplendent watchtower built above each.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.48)

antar-antaH kramAd ucca-nirbhitti-stambha-paGktiSu |
sphATikISu suvinyasta-pravAla-valabhI-kule ||

“Upon each of those sit tall columns made of flawless crystal topped by a coral turret.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.49)

chAditena mahAratna-paTalais tiryag-Urdhva-gaiH |
bhrAjitena sukumbhena zikhareNa virAjitam ||

“The turrets have sloping roofs inlaid with precious jewels, and above those sit beautiful pots topped with gleaming spires.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.50)

atyuccena vanAloka-sukhadena nijezayoH |
mukta-pArzva-tRtIyocca-khaNDena ca sumaNDitam ||
adho ratnAcitAneka-citra-citreNa bhAsvatA |
upakuTTima-yugmAntar dikSu sopAna-zobhinA ||

“The sides are all open on the lofty third levels so Radha and Krishna can enjoy the views of the surrounding forest. Many beautiful gem-studded paintings adorn the walls of the lower levels of each watchtower, through which elegant staircases climb to the top.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.51-52)

kaNTha-daghnAtivistIrNa-kuTTimenAbhito vRtam |
paritas tAvad uccAnAM prAntotpanna-mahIruhAm ||
phalaiH puSpaiz ca saMzliSTa-kuTTima-prAnta-dezakam |
keli-ratnAkaraM rAdhA-kRSNayoH savayasyayoH ||

“The mandira, an ocean of Radha-Krishna’s pastimes with their friends, sits upon a broad, neck-high terrace, its borders surrounded by tall trees bearing fruits and flowers.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.53-54)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Further Description of Sri Radha-Kunda (Updated 11-10)

Rtu-rAjAdi-sarvartu-guNa-sevita-kAnanam |
vRndA-sammRSTa-gandhAmbhaH-saMsiktAdhvAGganAlayam ||

“The forests around the kunda are endowed with the qualities of all the seasons, and the paths, courtyards and buildings have been swept and sprinkled with fragrant water by Sri Vrinda.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.15)

tayA toraNakolloca-patAkAlamba-gucchakaiH |
pauSpaiz citrita-kuJjAdhva-dolA-catvara-maNDapam ||

“Vrinda has decorated the bower’s paths, swings, courtyards and pavilions with festooned arches, canopies, pendant flags and clusters of flowers.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.16)

kusuma-racita-zayyocchIrSa-candropadhAnaiH |
sulalita-tala-lIlAgAra-kuJja-prapaJcam ||

“Within the kunja there is a charming pleasure-house furnished with a bed made of fresh lotus petals, sprouts and various kinds of stemless flowers, adorned with moon-shaped pillows and provided with cups of honey and water, bowls of tambula and so on.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.17)

rAdhA-kRSNa-rahaH-kathAnuvadanAd Azcarya-mAdhuryavad-
dhvAnaiH zrI-zuka-zArikA-vyatikarair Ananda-sarvasva-dam |
karNAkarSi-kuhUH kuhUr iti kalAlApair vRtaM kokilair
nRtyan-matta-mayUram-anya-vihagaiz cAnanda-kolAhalam ||

“Everyone is ecstatic from hearing the wonderful, sweet sounds of the beautiful parrot couples narrating Sri Radha-Krishna’s secret pastimes. The whole area resounds with the pleasant ‘kuhu kuhu’ twittering of the cuckoos and the joyful cries of madly dancing peacocks and other birds.” (VRndAvana-MahimAmRtam 4.105)

hArIta-pArAvata-cAtakAdika-prahRSTa-nAnA-vidha-citra-pakSiNAm |
kRSNekSaNAnanda-viphulla-varSmaNAM karNAmRta-dhvAna-manojJa-kAnanam ||

“This charming forest is filled with the nectarous sounds of pigeons, doves, catakas and other ecstatic, colorful birds beaming with joy from having seen Krishna.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.22)

rAkezArbuda-nirmaJchya-rAdhezAsyendu-pAyibhiH |
cakorair nyak-kRta-tyakta-candrair vRta-nabhas-talam ||

“The sky is teeming with cakora birds who have abandoned the humbled moon and instead drink the nectar of Krishna’s face, more beautiful than even ten million moons.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.23)

vipakva-jAlakApakva-phalaiH kusuma-pallavaiH |
mukulair maJjarIbhiz ca namrair vallI-drumair vRtam ||

“Everywhere are creeper-covered trees, bent low with ripe and unripe fruits, flower blossoms, buds and sprigs.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.24)

aneka-padmAkara-madhya-saMsthitaM harer vilAsAnvita-tIra-nIrakam |
nAnAbja-kAnty-ucchalitaM nirantaraM guNair jita-kSIra-samudram adbhutam ||

“The banks and waters of the kunda, the sites of Sri Hari’s pastimes, are always adorned with clusters of effulgent lotuses and are more beautiful than the ocean of milk.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.25)

sva-sadRk-tIra-nIreNa kRSNa-pAdAbja-janmanA |
nija-pArzvopaviSTenAriSTa-kuNDena saGgatam ||

“Sri Shyama-Kunda, born of Sri Krishna’s lotus feet, lies next to, joins and is very similar to Sri Radha-Kunda.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.26)

tIre kuJjA yasya bhAnty aSTa-dikSu preSThAlInAM sva-sva-nAmnA prasiddhAH |
tAbhiH premNA svIya-hastena yatnAt krIDA-tuSTyai preSThayoH saMskRtA ye ||

“In the eight directions around the banks of Radha-Kunda lie the kunjas of Srimati’s dearest sakhis, well-known by their respective names. The sakhis have all personally with great affection and effort prepared these kunjas for the satisfaction of the two lovers in their play.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.27)

tat-tat-kASThA-prAnta-vicchinna-sImArAmodyAnAvezanAMzAnvitAz ca |
tat-tat-sImAbhyantarotpanna-vRkSa-zreNI-yugmAcchanna-vartmAli-yuktAH ||

“At the different borders of the sakhis’ kunjas there are groves, gardens and workshops, with each kunja joined to the next by a tree-lined path.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.28)

upari-tanu-taraGgAkAra-citrAJci-zuddha-sphaTika-maNi-citAny asphAra-vartmAni tAni |
marakata-maNi-vRndair AcitAbhyantarANi pratanu-lahari-kulyA-bhrAntim utpAdayanti ||

maNi-caya-racanAbhiH sveSu bhitti-bhramaM drAk
sva-nikaTa-maNi-bhittau cAtma-buddhiM dadhadbhiH |
upavana-yuga-madhye dvAra-vRndair yutAni
pravizad itara-loke darzanAd eva bhAnti || (yugmakam)

“Passing through gates made of jewels, these narrow pathways between two groves are paved with tiles of pure crystal etched with delicate waves and inlaid with emeralds. When outsiders try to enter the kunjas, they immediately misjudge the gates to be walls and the paths rippling streams.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.29-30)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Krishna Arrives at Radha-Kunda (Updated 11-3)

kiyad dUraM tato gatvA nivRtyodvartmanA hariH |
rAdhA-kuNDaM samAyAtaH priyA-saGgotsukaH priyam ||

“After walking a short distance, Sri Krishna turned back. Eager to meet with Sri Radha, he arrived at his beloved Radha-Kunda by way of a little-known path.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.1)

tan-madhye nava-maJju-kuJja-valayaM zobhA-vibhUtyAsamA-
nordhvaM divya-vicitra-ratna-latikAdy-Ananda-puSpa-zriyA |
antas talpa-varaM varopakaraNair ADhyaM samantAd dadhad-
rAdhA-mAdhava-bhukta-bhogyam akhilAnandaika-sAmrAjya-bhUH ||

“Within the area of Sri Radha-Kunda are vibrant and charming bowers filled with incomparable beauty, where the creepers and bushes are adorned with the most delightful and exhilarating multicolored flowers. Within these bowers stands an exquisite bed, richly furnished with the finest accessories, and placed all about are delicious foods for Sri Radha-Madhava to enjoy. This is the kingdom of complete, unadulterated joy.” (VRndAvana-MahimAmRtam 4.106)

madhyaitAdRza-kuJja-maNDalam aho kuNDaM mahAmohanaM
sAndrAnanda-mahArasAmRta-bharaiH svacchaiH sadA sambhRtam |
ratnair baddha-catus-taTI-vilasitaM sad-ratna-sopAnavat-
tIrthaM zrI-taTa-sat-kadambaka-tala-cchAyA-maNI-kuTTimam ||

“Oh, and also within the circle of bowers lies a most fascinating lake that is always filled with nectarous water so clear it is like condensed joy. The bathing ghatas on its four banks are inlaid with gleaming, precious gems, and beautiful kadamba trees shade the bejeweled pavement around its banks.” (VRndAvana-MahimAmRtam 4.107)

gAdhAgAdhatayA tayor atimudaM kurvat parapreSThayor
nAnA-divya-rasottamAn avasare vyaJjat tayoH prItaye |
AzcaryaM kamalotpalAdi-kutukAyonmIlayan mIlayan
nAnA-ratnamaya-cchaTAmbudhi-jalam vyaJjan nikuJjAdikam ||

“For the pleasure of the Supreme Lovers, the water is deep in some areas and shallow in others. Here and there, in appropriate places, various kinds of delicious fruit-juice drinks have been provided for their enjoyment. For their amusement, there are wonderful red and blue lotuses that open and close, and the colors of the surrounding bowers and so forth reflect like glimmering jewels in the waters of the lake.” (VRndAvana-MahimAmRtam 4.108)

kahlArotpala-padma-kairava-mukhAsaMkhya-prasUnaiH sphuTair
haMsaiH sArasa-cakravAka-mithunaiH kAraNDavAdyaiH khagaiH |
atyAnanda-madoru-khelana-kala-dhvAnair mahAramyayA
bhRGgI-yUtha-zatair bhramadbhir abhito guJjadbhir AmaJjulaH ||

“The entire bower is very pleasant, with white water-lilies, blue, pink and white lotuses and countless other blossoming flowers. Swans, cranes, geese, ducks and other birds sing sweet, joyful songs as they sport with their mates, while bands of buzzing bumblebees fly all about.” (VRndAvana-MahimAmRtam 3.103)

tIrthopari-sthita-dvi-dvi-taru-zAkhAvalambanaiH |
yutaM nAnA-puSpa-vAsAz-citrair dolA-catuSTayaiH ||

“On the banks of this holy place are four swings hung from the branches of pairs of trees and decorated with a variety of colorful flowers and cloths.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.4)

yAmye campakayoH pUrve nIpayor AmrayoH pare |
saumye bakulayor baddha-ratna-hindolikAnvitam ||

“A jewel-studded swing hangs from two campaka trees in the southern part; another hangs from the branches of two kadamba trees in the east, another from two mango trees in the west and another from two bakula trees in the north.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.5)

pUrvAgneya-dizor madhye priya-kuNDena saGgatam |
tatrordhve stambhakAlambi-citra-setu-samanvitam ||

“At its east-southeast section, Radha-Kunda joins with Syama-Kunda, where a brightly colored bridge is suspended from pillars above the merging waters.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.6)

catuSkoNeSu vAsantI catuHzAlAbhir AvRtam |
vAnIra-kezarAzoka-nikuJjaiH parito vRtam ||

“At each of the four corners of the kunda stands an arbor covered with jasmine creepers, surrounded by bowers of cane, kesara trees and ashoka trees.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.10)

SaD-udadhi-vasu-koNair maNDalAGgaiz ca kaizcit |
ziziram anu samuSNair grISma-kAle suzItair
vividha-maNi-nibaddhair dikSu sopAna-yuktaiH ||

patita-vihaga-vRndAcchAlavAlAntarAlaiH |
parijana-yuta-rAdhA-kRSNayor narma-goSThI-
pramada-kRd-upavezAnalpa-vedI-suzobhaiH ||

nicita-pRthu-talAnAM kuTTimaiz citra-varNaiH
kusumita-bahu-vallI-zliSTa-zAkhA-bhujAnAm |
vitatibhir abhitaH saMveSTitaM pAdapAnAm || (sandAnitakam)

“All around Sri Radha-Kunda are trees whose branches and boughs are covered with flowering creepers and bowed by the weight of dense clusters of leaves, fruits and blossoms. The ground is paved with multicolored mosaic tiles and scattered with many beautiful benches upon which Sri Radha-Krishna sit and enjoy with their dearest friends. Thirsty birds, mistaking the luster of the embedded jewels to be ripples of water, land here and there and then drink from the clear basins around the trees. On all sides of the lake are jeweled steps with tiles of six, seven or eight corners, or in circular shapes, and which reach to the height of one’s neck, chest, abdomen, hips, thighs or knees.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.7-9)

tad-bahir yat-sakhI-vRnda-bRhat-kuJjAvalair bahiH |
sat-phalaiH kadalI-SaNDair maNDitaM zItala-cchadaiH ||

“Beyond that are the vast bowers of the sakhis, and further on are groves of campaka trees and banana trees adorned with delicious fruit.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.11)

tad-bahir bAhyopavanAzliSTa-puSpATavI-vRtam |
sva-madhya-salilAdIvyat-sasetu-ratna-mandiram ||

“Outside of that lies a flower garden surrounded by another grove of trees. In the middle of the lake sits a beautiful jeweled cottage connected to the side by a bridge.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.12)

Friday, July 31, 2009

Krishna hears from Rupa Manjari about Radha’s viraha. (Updated 10-2)

preSitA lalitayA tadAlayaH pezalA janatayApy alakSitA |
bhU-bhRd-antikam upetya saurabhaM bhejur unnata-mudo vana-srajaH |

“Then some skilled sakhis sent stealthily by Lalita arrived near Govardhana, and when they smelled the fragrance of Krishna’s forest-garland, they were filled with joy.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 8.6)

tatra vIkSya muditAsu tAsu taM prAha kAcana khanir guNa-zriyAm |
rUpa-maJjarir apAra-saubhagA pRSTa-yauvata-maNi-pravRttikam ||

“When they saw Krishna there, they all became delighted. Krishna asked about Sri Radha, the jewel among young girls, and one of them, Sri Rupa Manjari, a gold mine of fine qualities and the possessor of boundless good fortune, replied to him.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 8.8)

nAgarendra bhavatA yadA padAliGgitA vipina-bhUr dadhe zriyam |
spardhayeva tava goSTha-bhUs tayAliGgyata sva-suSamAM dadAnayA ||

“‘O King of Lovers! By the embrace of your lotus feet, the forest floor has become more beautiful. As though to rival you, Sri Radha embraced the pasturing ground, giving it her own exquisite beauty.’” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 8.9)

tvaM hare hari-maNi-mayIM vyadhAH kSmAm imAM nija-savarNatArpaNaiH |
sApy adhAsyata vivarNatAM na cet tAM ca kAJcana-mayIM vyadhAsyata ||

“‘Hari! You colored the earth like an emerald by investing it with your own hue. Had God not taken the color from Sri Radha, she would have tinged the ground golden.’” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 8.10)*

*Radha had become pale due to viraha.

go-rajaz-churitam Asyam IkSayaMs tvaM vanaukasa imAn arodayaH |
hanta go-rajasi ceSTamAnayA svAlayaH kila tayApi roditAH ||

“By showing these forest dwellers your face coated with dust from the cows’ hooves, you caused them to cry. Alas, by rolling in the dust of the earth, Sri Radha also made her girlfriends cry.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 8.11)

kintv anItir iyam IkSaNAmbuje santatAmbu-janake tayA kRte |
te tu pautram ucitaM pracakratuH kardamo’mbuja-bhavodbhavo yataH ||

“But she has committed an indiscretion: she has caused her own two lotus eyes to continuously produce water. (Lotuses are supposed to come from water, not water from lotuses.) Nevertheless, they also got a grandson named Kardama (mud), which is appropriate because Kardama Rishi was born from the one born from the lotus (BrahmA).” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 8.12)

mAlya-keza-vasanAdayaH samucchRGkhalatvam atisAdhavo’py adhuH |
bhUbhujA virahite’pi nIvRti syAt kva kasya ca na vA niyamyatA ||

“Though originally very neat, her garland, hair and clothing have become disheveled. If a country is deserted by her king, who there will remain disciplined?” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 8.13)

yat tavAGghri-vanaja-dvayaM vanotsaGga eva viharat pramodate |
tatra vizvasiti sA na niHzvasity uSNam eva bahudhApi bodhitA ||

“Your lotus feet sport happily in the forest, but she worries about them and sighs indignantly, though being admonished repeatedly.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 8.14)

naiva tatra kaTu-zarkarAGkurety ardha-vAg api sakhI-mukhodgatA |
zrotra-sIma-patitaiva tAM parikrozayanty atha javAd amUrcchayat ||

“One sakhi said in a low voice, ‘There are no sharp pebbles or blades of grass there.’ Hearing this, Sri Radha burst out in tears and immediately fainted.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 8.15)

hanta te priyatamaH samAgato vIkSyatAm iti sakhI-mRSoktibhiH |
tvad-vana-srag-atisaurabhaiz ca sA prApya bodham atisambhramaM dadhau ||

“Another sakhi said, ‘Radhe! Look, your beloved Krishna has arrived; go see him!’ Because of this white lie and the fragrance of one of your garlands that we’d kept, she regained consciousness and became very excited.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 8.16)

Ali netra-madiraika-nartakaH sa kva te sakhi gRhe’sti nihnutaH |
kiM pratArayasi naiva sAkSi yad-vakti taM kila tad-aGga-saurabham ||

“Radha: ‘O Friend! Where is that Krishna who makes your eyes dance like wagtails?’
Sakhi: ‘He’s hiding in the cottage.’
Radha: ‘Why are you misleading me?’
Sakhi: ‘I’m not! The aroma of his body confirms my words.’” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 8.17)

ity alambhi sukham etayA manAk tan na soDhum azakan mano-bhavaH |
ekadaiva zara-paJcakasya yal-lakSatAm anayad eva tAm balAt ||

“In this way, she felt a little happiness, but unable to tolerate that, the God of Love simultaneously shot his five arrows very forcibly at her.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 8.18)

svidyati sma patati sma vepate smAzrubhiH svam abhiSiJcati gRham |
sA pravizya na bhavan-mukhendunA prApa zItalayituM sva-locane ||

“She perspired, fell to the ground, trembled and bathed herself with tears. Arriving at the cottage, she entered but was unable to cool her eyes with the vision of your moonlike face.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 8.19)

hA sakhI-jana-vaco’nRtaM manas tvaM mudAmRta-samaM vRthAkRthAH |
saMjvaro dviguNito yato dyati tvAm itIyam apatat punaH kSitau ||

“Sri Radha said, ‘O mind! You have happily but wrongly taken the false words of my sakhi to be like nectar. Because of this, my fever has doubled and is tearing you apart.’ Then she again fell to the ground.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 8.20)

tvAM dhig astu rahitaM svabandhunA jIvitety alaghu-garhayApy aho |
no manAg api tad Apa lAghavaM pratyutAtiguru-bhAratAm agAt ||

“She bitterly complained, ‘Life, you have separated me from my dear friend. I curse you! Instead of bringing even slight relief, you have rather become a great burden.’” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 8.21)

hanta kAnta-virahe’pi kiM mahat saukumAryam udiyAya subhruvaH |
aGgakAni yad asu-prabhaJjana-spandanaM ca na hi soDhum Izate ||

“Alas, in separation from her lover, a great sensitivity has arisen in the lovely Sri Radha, such that her body cannot even tolerate the movement of her life-breath.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 8.22)

ity avetya madhusUdanaH priyodantam antar-udghUrNatAturaH |
bASpa-pUrNa-nayane niruddha-vAg akSipat priya-sakhAsya-maNDale ||

“Hearing this news of his beloved, Madhusudana felt sick inside, his voice choked, and with tear-filled eyes he glanced at the face of his dear friend Madhumangala.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 8.23)

tAm uvAca baTur Anaya drutaM rAdhikAM kanaka-padminIM vanam |
anyathA kim avanaM bhaved gatiH saiva hanta madhusUdanasya yat ||

“Madhumangala said to Rupa Manjari, ‘Please, you must bring golden lotus Radhika, who is the bee Madhusudana’s only refuge, quickly to the bower; otherwise, how will he sustain his life?’” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 8.24)

mAdhavo’tha nija-mAlyam arpayaMs tAM vyajijJapad idaM ca kiJcana |
preyasI-hRdi gatAstu campaka-sraG mamAdya sakhi seyam udgatA ||

“Then Madhava removed his own campaka garland and gave it to Rupa Manjari, saying, ‘Sakhi! Take this now and place it upon my lover’s chest.’” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 8.25)

vRttam Akhyad akhilaM sametya sA rAdhikAm atha tayA vara-srajaH |
zleSaNApta-ramaNAGga-saurabhaiH svIya-jIvitam akAri jIvitam ||

“After meeting with Sri Radhika, Rupa Manjari told her all the news. When Srimati touched the beautiful garland and smelled Krishna’s aroma on it, her waning life was again revived.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 8.26)

preyasi sva-virahogra-vRzcika-vrAta-daMza-vidhure zrute punaH |
tad-viSa-jvalana-jarjaraM tadaivAnvabhAvi nija-marma-zarma-bhit ||

“But when Radha heard that Krishna’s own feelings of separation pained him like the stings of a swarm of savage scorpions, she also felt the torment of that burning poison and the joy in her heart was destroyed.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 8.27)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Shaibya Arrives and is Diverted to Gauri-Tirtha. (Updated 7-26)

tAvat kRtvA priya-sahacarIM svasya candrAvalIM tAM
saGketa-sthAM vraja-pati-sutaM netum Agatya tatra |
guJjA-hAraM hari-hRdi sakhI-dattam AdhAya zaibyA
dRSTvA vRndA-sahita-tulasIM vivyathe kSubdha-cittA ||

“Meanwhile, Shaibya arrived there to take Krishna to the kunja where she had left her dear friend Candravali. As she placed a gunja necklace given by Candravali on Hari’s chest, she noticed Vrinda and Tulasi and became very agitated and distressed.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.67)

kRSNasyAgre vRndayA saMlapantyA AlokAt tat-preSTha-sakhyAs tulasyAH |
rAdhAM matvA sAgatAM duHkhitA tAM zaibyA savyAjaM tadA vyAjahAra ||
kurvantyAdya tayA durgA-vratodyApa-mahotsavam |
tAM nimantrayituM rAdhAM preSitAsmi vayasyayA ||
sAdya labdhA mayAnviSya na gRhe nApi kAnane |
diSTyA labdhAsi tulasi kathyatAM kutra te sakhI ||

“Seeing Sri Radha’s dear friend Tulasi talking with Vrinda in front of Krishna, Shaibya agonized that Srimati must have already come. She then slyly said to Tulasi, ‘My friend Candravali is performing the concluding festival for the Durga-Vrata today, so she sent me to invite Sri Radha. I just looked for her at home and in the forest, but couldn’t find her anywhere. Fortunately, I found you, Tulasi. Please tell me where your friend is.’” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.68-70)

tataH sA tulasI jJAtvA zaibyAM kauTilyam AzritAm |
avadat tAM sa-kauTilyaM zaThe zAThyaM hi yan nayaH ||
kurvANayA vrata-mahotsavam ambikAyAH sA zyAmayA sva-suhRdAdya nimantrya nItA |
vRndATavI-parivRDhA sva-gRhaM tathAsyAM bhAro’py adhAyi vinayaiH sa-sakhI-kulAyAm ||
tato lalitayA puSpa-phala-mAlya-samRddhaye |
vRndAM netuM preSitA tAM gRhItvA calitAsmy aham ||

“Understanding that Shaibya was lying, Tulasi decided to cheat the cheater, so she cleverly said to her, ‘Sri Radha’s friend Shyama is also going to perform the Ambika-vrata festival today, so she has invited Vrindavanesvari and taken her to her home. Out of modesty, she has given responsibility for the festival to Sri Radha and her sakhis. For that reason, I’ve been sent by Lalita to bring Vrinda so we can gather lots of flowers, fruits and garlands. Now that I’ve found her, I’ll be going.’” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.71-73)

iti tAM tulasI bhaGgyA pratArya kuTilAm api |
yayau vRndA-dhaniSThAbhyAm udAsIneva mAdhave ||

“Thus misleading the dishonest Shaibya by this deception, Tulasi left with Vrinda and Dhanistha, showing complete indifference toward Madhava.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.74)

punar vivakSuM tAM zaibyAM kRSNaH kuJcita-cakSuSA |
nivAryAha svam audAsyaM tulasyAM vyaJjayann iva ||
mA kiJcid vada yAtv eSA sva-sakhyAH kuzalaM vada |
kveyam Aste kiM kurute priyA candrAvalI mama ||

“Shaibya wanted to speak again but Krishna stopped her with a squint of his eyes. Ignoring Tulasi just as she had ignored him, he said, ‘Don’t say anything; just let her go. Tell me about your friend. Where is my dear Candravali and what is she doing?’” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.75-76)

sAtihRSTAtha taM prAha niruddhApi dhavAmbayA |
durgArcAc chadmanAnItA yatnAc candrAvalI mayA ||
sakhI-sthaly-upazalye tAM tvat-saGgotkalikAkulAm |
saMrakSya padmayA tUrNaM tvAm anveSTum ihAgatA ||

“Greatly pleased, she replied to him, ‘Even though she was being restrained by her mother-in-law, I carefully brought her from the Durga-Puja by means of a trick. She is now being looked after by Padma at the place where our sakhis meet, longing for your company. I have quickly come here to search for you.’” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.77-78)

cintito’ntar bahir hRSyan pratyutpanna-matir hariH |
avadad vaJcayan zaibyAM chadmanAnandayann iva ||
ahaM tad-darzanotkaNTho diSTyA nIteyam Aly asau |
gaurI-tIrthaM lambhayainAM gurUNAM vaJcana-kSamam ||
yAvat pramada-rAdhAkhye gAH saJcArayato vane |
avadhAryAgato’haM syAM gavAM sambhAlane sakhIn ||

“Though anxious within but pretending to be happy, the sharp-minded Hari spoke encouragingly to Shaibya, intending to mislead her: ‘Shaibya, I’m very eager to see your sakhi; thank God you brought her. Now take her to Gauri-Tirtha using some ruse to deceive her elders. Meanwhile, I’ll be grazing the cows in the forest called Pramada-Radha; I’ll come when I’m sure my sakhas will tend to them.’” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.79-81)

iti pratArya tAM zaibyAM go-dizaM sa-sakho’vrajat |
murAris tvarayA hRSTA sApi cAndrAvalIM prati ||

“Thus having deluded Shaibya, Murari quickly went with his friends toward the cows and Shaibya left happily to join Candravali.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.86)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Tulasi arrives. (Continued)(Updated 6-24)

Agatya kuJje parihAsa-lInAM sambhAvayaMs tAM dayitAM mukundaH |
tad-Asya-vIkSotkalikAkulAtmA tayA hasantyA saha saMlalApa ||

“Mukunda thought that his beloved Radha must have already arrived at the kunja and was hiding as a joke. Longing to see her face, he began to talk with the smiling Tulasi.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.55)

sakhyAs te kuzalaM sakhIza! kuzalaM kutreyam AtmAlaye
kiM nAyAti vanaM kRtau sva-guruNA diSTAtha kiM ceSTate |
mathnAty ambu-ghaTaM tataH kim abhavan nirbhartsya ruddhA gRhe
yuktyA cAnaya vRndayA na jaTilA vaJcyAha hA dhig vidhim ||

Krishna: “Hey sakhi! How is your friend Radha?’”
Tulasi: “Hey chief! She’s fine.”
Krishna: “Where is she right now?”
Tulasi: “She’s at her home.”
Krishna: “Isn’t she coming to the forest?”
Tulasi: “One of her elders made her do some housework.”
Krishna: “What is she doing?”
Tulasi: “She mistakenly churned a pot of water!”
Krishna: “What happened then?”
Tulasi: “Jatila chastised her and locked her in the house.”
Krishna: “You and Vrinda must trick Jatila somehow and bring Radha here!”
Tulasi: “Jatila’s no fool.”
Krishna: “Aw, damn the luck!” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.56)

sadA rAdhAtidaurlabhya-sphUrtyA matvA babhUva saH |
hAsoktim api satyAM tAM viSaNNAtmA smarAkulaH ||

“Considering Tulasi’s joking words to be true, Krishna thought to himself, ‘Sri Radha is always so hard to get.’ Overcome by Cupid, he became depressed.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.57)

kanakAdri-niketa-ketakI-kalikA-kalpa-kalevara-dyutiH |
hRdi sA mudirAli-medure capalA mAM kim alaGkariSyati ||

“Will she whose luster resembles a ketaki bud on a golden mountain adorn my chest like lightning in a mass of clouds?” (Vidagdha-MAdhava 2.35)

kRSNaM viSaNNam Alokya vyAkulA tulasI svayam |
dRSTyA vRndA-dhaniSThAbhyAM bhartsitAha sasaMbhramam ||
mA gAH khedaM vrajAnanda! yAmi nirmaJcanaM tava |
AgatAM viddhi dayitAM parihAsaH kRto mayA ||

“When Tulasi saw how despondent Krishna had become, she herself felt troubled. Reproached by glances from Vrinda and Dhanistha and feeling bewildered, she said, ‘Don’t be sad, O joy of Vraja. I adore you! I was just joking; your beloved has already come.’” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.58-59)

tAm AgatAm atha nizamya didRkSur enAm autsukya-caJcala-manA vraja-rAja-sUnuH |
uttArya campaka-yugaM nija-karNayos tat tasyAH samarpya karayor mudito’vadat tAm ||
kveyaM kveyaM nihnutA vA kim-arthaM ruSTA sA cen nAparAdho mamAsti |
cen narmaitad dUna-citte na yuktaM hA hA zIghraM darzayAmUM priyAM me ||

“Learning that Sri Radha had arrived, and eager to see her, Krishna removed a pair of campaka flowers from his own ears and placed them in Tulasi’s hands. Then, with great joy he said, ‘Where is she? Where is she? Is she hiding? Why? There’s no reason for her to be angry because I’ve done nothing wrong. If this is a joke, it’s not the right way to treat someone with a distressed mind. Oh please Tulasi! Show me my beloved! Quickly!’” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.60-61)

priyAvalokanotkaNThaM kAla-dezArtha-tattvavit |
AninISur drutaM rAdhAM babhASe tulasI harim ||
sA te kAntA kamala-nayana! tvan-mukhAlokanotkA
sUryArcAyai sapadi jaTilA-preSitA kundavallyA |
tvAm AyAntI prathamam iha mAM prAhiNot tvat-pravRttyai
krIDA-kuJjaM tam upadiza tvaM yatra tAm AnayAmi ||

“Tulasi, eager to lead the anxious Krishna to Radha without delay, and knowing well what is appropriate for time and place, said to him, ‘O lotus-eyed one! Your beloved longs to see your face. Jatila sent her and Kundavalli to do surya-puja, so she’s coming to you soon. Srimati told me to come here first to get news about you. Tell me where the pastime bower is and I’ll bring her there.’” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.62-63)

tac-chrutvocchvasita-svAntaH prIto guJjAvalIM hariH |
tulasyai dattavAn kaNThAd uttArya pAritoSikam ||

“Hearing this, Hari was filled with delight. He then happily took the string of gunja berries from his neck and gave it to Tulasi as a reward.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.64)

lIlA-nikuJja-kalanAya tadAtha vRndA kRSNAvalokita-mukhI tulasIM babhASe |
tat-kuNDa-tIra-gatam Anaya rAdhikAM tAM kandarpa-keli-sukhadAkhya-nikuJjam Azu ||
ahaM ca keli-sAmagrIM samagrayitum utsukA |
rAdhA-kuNDaM tvayA sArdham prayAtAsmi drutam sakhi ||

“After receiving Krishna’s glance telling her to choose the lila-kunja, Vrinda said to Tulasi, ‘Bring Radhika quickly to the bower known as Kandarpa-Keli-Sukhada on the banks of Radha-Kunda. Sakhi! I’m eager to collect all the ingredients for their pastimes, so I’ll go to Radha-Kunda with you now.’” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.65-66)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


My mother passed away yesterday at the age of 92. I probably won't be posting here again until next week sometime. Please check back then.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Tulasi arrives. (Updated 5-30)

athAgatA sA tulasI svasakhyA kRSNaM sakhibhyAM saha tat-sakhIbhyAm |
priyAgamopAya-vicAra-lagnaM puraH sphurantaM mumude samIkSya ||

“At that time, Tulasi arrived along with her friend.* Seeing Krishna, Subala, Madhumangala and Radha’s sakhis Vrinda and Dhanistha intently discussing how Srimati would come there, she felt great happiness.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.50)

*The commentary says this friend is Kasturi Manjari.

svapne’pi tat-sannidhim atyajantIM tAM rAdhayA te jahRSuH sametAm |
nizcitya sarve’py atha mAdhavo’bhUt tad-darzanotko’dhvani datta-dRSTiH || 217 ||

“Tulasi wouldn’t leave Sri Radha’s side even in a dream, so they all rejoiced, feeling assured that she and Radha would meet there. Eager to see her, Madhava fixed his eyes on the pathway.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.51)

tataH sA tulasI nyasya hRSTA baTu-kare srajam |
udghATya puTikAM vITIM subalasya kare dadau ||

“Then Tulasi happily placed a garland in Madhumangala’s hand and took some tambula from a bag and placed it in Subala’s hand.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.52)

rAdhA-karAmoda-samRddha-saurabhaM tac-chilpa-naipuNya-bharaM tathAdbhUtam |
tAm udgirantIM bhramarAli-karSiNIM srajaM vilokyAbhavad unmanA hariH ||

“When Sri Hari saw that wonderful, artistically made garland, so fragrant from the touch of Radha’s hands that it attracted a swarm of bees, he became excited.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.53)

kaNThe srajaM tAm atha vaijayantIM hasan nyadhAc chrI-madhumaGgalo’sya |
rAdhA-kara-sparza-sukhAd ivAsau tat-sparzataH kaNTakitAGga AsIt ||

“Smiling, Sri Madhumangala then placed the vaijayanti garland around Krishna’s neck. Just by the touch of that garland, the hairs on his body stood erect in joy, as though he were being touched by Sri Radha’s own hands.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.54)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lunch (Updated 5-29)

kRSNasya viSvak pururAji-maNDalair abhyAnanAH phulla-dRzo vrajArbhakAH |
sahopaviSTA vipine virejuz chadA yathAmbhoruha-karNikAyAH ||

“The wide-eyed cowherd boys sat in rows around Krishna, facing him, like petals surrounding the pericarp of a lotus.” (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.13.8)

kecit puSpair dalaiH kecit pallavair aGkuraiH phalaiH |
zigbhis tvagbhir dRSadbhiz ca bubhujuH kRta-bhAjanAH ||

“To hold their lunches, the boys each made their own plates, some from flowers or leaves, some from sprouts or blades of grass, some from fruits, bags, bark or rocks, and then they began to eat.” (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.13.9)

bibhrad-veNuM jaThara-paTayoH zRGga-vetre ca kakSe
vAme pANau masRNa-kavalaM tat-phalAny aGgulISu |
tiSThan madhye svaparisuhRdo hAsayan narmabhiH svaiH
svarge loke miSati bubhuje yajJa-bhug bAla-keliH ||

“As the residents of heaven looked on, Sri Krishna, the enjoyer of sacrifice, played as a young boy, eating his meal surrounded by friends, all laughing and joking. With his flute tucked into his belt, he held an animal horn and staff under his left arm, a morsel of buttery food in his hand and fruits between his fingers.” (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.13.11)

Acamya tAmbUlam atho sugandhaM karpUra-pUrNaM svagRhopanItam |
vanyaM ca bhuGkte sma vibhajya nUtnaM sanAgavallI-dala-pUgam Ardram ||

“After sipping water, he then shared and chewed fragrant camphor-filled tambula brought from home along with fresh, tender betel leaves and nuts from the forest.” (BRhad-BhAgavatAmRtam 2.7.62)

mohotthitAM tAM hari-mAlya-gandhaiH sakhyA prayuktair nasi rAdhikAM sA |
nizamya vRndA-mukhato militvA saMzrAvayAmAsa tadaiva sarvam ||

Hearing all this, Sri Radhika began to swoon, so the sakhi calmed her with the fragrance from one of Krishna’s garlands and then continued to relate everything she had heard from Vrinda. (Siddha Krishnadasa Babaji)

tataH sakhIn Aha hariH sahAryA yUyaM kSaNaM cArayatAgrato gAH |
ahaM sakhibhyAM saha mAdhavIyAM vana-zriyaM draSTum iha bhramAmi ||

“Then Hari said to the boys, ‘You guys graze the cows for a little while with Balarama as your leader. I’m going to roam around here with a couple of my buddies* to see the springtime beauty of the forest.’” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.39)

*In his commentary, Srimad Vrndavana Cakravarti says these two friends are Madhumangala and Subala.

dAsIr dhaniSThAvadad Azu yAta yUyaM gRhItvAkhila-bhAjanAni |
puSpANi nArAyaNa-sevanArthaM saJcitya pazcad aham AgatAsmi ||

“Dhanistha then said to the maidservants, ‘You quickly take all these pots and bowls and go. I’ll come after I gather flowers for the worship of Narayana.’” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.40)

phullaM gandhaphalI-dvandvam avataMsocitaM tadA |
AdAyAgatya kRSNasya vRndArpitavatI kare ||

“At that time, Vrinda arrived with two fully-blossomed campaka flowers suitable for ear ornaments and placed them in Krishna’s hand.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.41)

tad-AlokAt priyA-kAnti-smRty-utkaNThAvato hareH |
ejat-karAt tad AdAya tac-chrutyor nidadhe baTuH ||

“Seeing those flowers caused Hari to longingly remember his lover’s beauty. His hands began to tremble, so Madhumangala took the flowers and placed them on his friend’s ears.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.42)

vRndAM dhaniSThAM subalaM baTuM ca SAD-guGya-vijJAn sacivAn sa kRSNaH |
upAya-dakSAn upalabhya mene rAdhAGga-saGgottama-rAjya-labdhim ||

“Vrinda, Dhanistha, Subala and Madhumangala are all very knowledgeable in the six strategies employed by kings* and skilled in how to use them. Krishna thought that if he could get them as his ministers, he could acquire that ultimate kingdom, contact with Sri Radha’s body.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.43)

*Alliance, war, marching, halting, seeking shelter, and duplicity

madhumaGgala-hastaM sa pragRhya vAma-pANinA |
vRndA-dhaniSThA-subalaiH sasAra sumanaHsaraH ||

“Taking Madhumangala’s hand in his left hand, Krishna then walked toward a pleasant lake (Kusuma-Sarovara) along with Vrinda, Dhanistha and Subala.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.44)

kusumita-taruvallI-vIthi-kuJjair lasantIM
sthala-jala-vihagAli-vyUha-kolAhalaiz ca |
sa kusuma-sarasIM tAM vIkSya rAdhAgamotkas
tad-abhisRti-vicAraM svAnugair AcacAra ||

“Seeing the beautiful lake, resplendent with bowers of flowering creepers and flocks of twittering land and water birds, Krishna, eager for Radha’s arrival, began to discuss the rendezvous with his friends.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.45)

prayAti vRndA subalo baTur vA rAdhAntikaM cej jaTilA sazaGkA |
ebhiH samaM vA kalahaM vidadhyAd vadhUM nirundhyAd athavA gRhAntaH ||

“If either Vrinda, Subala or Madhumangala goes near Radha, Jatila will be suspicious. She may start a quarrel with them or confine her daughter-in-law within her home.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.46)

AkarSaNIM vA muralIM niyuJjyAM sarvAH sameSyanti ca gopa-rAmAH |
tad-iSTa-lIlAdi-raso na sidhyet parasparerSyA-mada-mAna-vAmyAt ||

“If I use my murali flute to attract her, all the gopis will come, and because of their mutual jealousy, passion, pride and contrariness, I may not get the sweet pastimes that I want.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.47)

tato dhaniSThe! vraja kundavallIM pratIti-kRt sA jaTilA yad asyAm |
tad-vaJcanA-cuJcu-matiH sadA nau snigdhArthitA sA dhruvam Anayet tAm ||

“Therefore Dhanistha, you go to Kundavalli. Even though she’s famous for tricking Jatila, the woman still trusts her. She’s always friendly to us, so if asked, I’m sure she’ll bring Radhika.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.48)

athAha vRndA bhavatA yad uktaM satyaM hi tac cet sumano’vacetum |
rAdhA-sakhI kAcid ihAgatA syAj jJeyas tadAsyAs tad-udanta Adau ||

“Then Vrinda said, ‘What you say is certainly true, but if one of Sri Radha’s sakhis comes here to gather flowers, we can get some news from her about Srimati first.’” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.49)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dhanistha arrives with food. (Updated 5-7)

tAvad dhaniSThA ghRta-pakvam annaM prAtaH-kRtaM yal lalitAdibhis tat |
dattaM rasAlAdi-yutaM jananyA dAsIbhir AdAya samAjagAma ||

“Meanwhile, Dhanistha and some maidservants arrived bringing foods cooked in ghee by Lalita and the other sakhis in the morning, along with rasala and so on given to her by Ma Yashoda.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.32)

tAM vIkSya hRSTaH sa harir babhASe
kiM me dhaniSThe! pitarau sukhaM staH |
susnAtam AbhyAM vihiteza-pUjA
pratoSya sarvAn vada kiM nu bhuktam ||

“Seeing her, Sri Hari joyfully said, ‘Hi Dhanistha! Tell me, are my parents happy? After bathing, worshipping Bhagavan and making sure all others are satisfied, have they now taken their meals?’” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.33)

sApy Aha taM tau tava maGgalArthaM
snAtArcitezau dvija-sAt-kRtArthau |
sambhojya sarvAn atha bhuktavantau
bhojyAni ca preSayataH sma tubhyam ||

“Dhanistha replied, ‘Yes, after bathing, worshipping Bhagavan and honoring the brahmanas for your well-being, they fed everyone, took their own meals and sent this food to you.'” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.34)

rAdhA-saGga-drumArohotkaNThitAlambanArthinI |
tAM parAlambanaM mene citta-vRtti-latA hareH ||

“The creeper of Sri Krishna’s mind had been hoping for some base from which to climb the tree of union with Sri Radha and now considered Dhanistha its best chance.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.35)

itas tataH saJcaratIr gavAlIH sva-veNu-nAdair atha saMkalayya |
jagAma tAH pAyayituM vayasyaiH saJcAlayan mAnasa-jAhnavIM saH ||

“Calling the grazing cows together with the sound of his flute, Sri Krishna, along with his friends, then herded them to the Manasa-Ganga to drink.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.36)

pAyayitvA jalaM gAs tAH zItaM svAdu sunirmalam |
svayaM gopAH papuH sasnur vijahruH salile ciram ||

“After letting the cows drink the cool, sweet and pure water, the cowherd boys drank some themselves. Then they bathed and sported in the water for a long time.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.37)

parasparaM vAry-abhiSiJcataH sakhIn
kadAcid utkSipya jalAni bhaJjayet |
kadApi tair eva vinoda-kovido
vilambhito bhaGga-bharaM jaharSa saH ||

“Krishna, who is expert at playing games, delighted in sometimes defeating his friends in water fights and sometimes being defeated by them.” (BRhad-BhAgavatAmRtam 2.7.46)

kadApi kRSNA-jala-madhyato nijaM
vapuH sa nihnutya saroja-kAnane |
mukhaM ca vinyasya kutUhalI sthito
yathA na kenApi bhavet sa lakSitaH ||

“Sometimes that playful Krishna would hide in the water of the Yamuna, placing his face among a cluster of lotuses so no one could recognize him.” (BRhad-BhAgavatAmRtam 2.7.48)

tatas tad-ekekSaNa-jIvanAs te na taM samanviSya yadAlabhanta |
tadA mahArtAH suhRdo rudanto vicukruzur vyagra-dhiyaH sughoram ||

“When Krishna’s friends, whose lives depend on seeing him, couldn’t find him anywhere, they became terribly distressed and afraid and began to cry and call out desperately to him.” (BRhad-BhAgavatAmRtam 2.7.49)

tato hasan padmavanAd viniHsRtaH
praharSa-pUreNa vikAsitekSaNaiH |
sakUrdanaM taiH purato’bhisAribhiH
saGgamyamAno vijahAra kautukI ||

“Then, emerging from the lotuses with a big smile, he happily reunited with his wide-eyed, leaping friends and eagerly began to play.” (BRhad-BhAgavatAmRtam 2.7.50)

mRNAla-jAlena manorameNa viracya hArAn jala-puSpa-jAtaiH |
sakhIn alaGkRtya samuttatAra jalAt samaM taiH sa ca bhUSitas taiH ||

“He and his friends decorated each other with garlands fashioned from water flowers strung upon beautiful lotus fibers and then stepped out of the water.” (BRhad-BhAgavatAmRtam 2.7.51)

bhUSaNena vicitreNa vanyena sakhibhiH punaH |
ahaMpUrvikayA sarvair bhUSito’sau yathA-ruci ||

“Each wanting to be first, his friends then further decorated him as they liked with multicolored ornaments made of things from the forest.”

aho’tiramyaM pulinaM vayasyAH svakeli-sampan-mRdulAccha-vAlukam |
sphuTat-saro-gandha-hRtAli-patrika-dhvani-pratidhvAna-lasad-drumAkulam ||

“Krishna said, ‘O friends, this beach is very beautiful. It has nice soft and clean sand that’s perfect for our games. The nearby trees resonate with the sweet sounds of birds and bees charmed by the fragrant lotuses blooming in the lake.’” (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.13.5)

atra bhoktavyam asmAbhir divArUDhaM kSudhArditAH |
vatsAH samIpe’paH pItvA carantu zanakais tRNam ||

“It’s getting late and we’re all hungry, so let’s eat lunch here. The calves can drink some water and graze leisurely nearby.” (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.13.6)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sri Krishna’s passion for Radha inflamed by the beauty of Vrndavana (Updated 3-26)

svaramaNa-sahitAnAM veNu-nAdAhRtAnAM
tRNa-kavala-mukhAnAM caJcalAlokanAni |
harir atha hariNInAM vIkSya rAdhA-kaTAkSaiH
smRti-patham adhirUDhair vivyathe viddha-marmA ||

“Seeing the restless eyes of the does who, along with their mates, had been captivated by the sound of the flute as they grazed, Sri Krishna remembered Sri Radha’s sidelong glances and felt a sharp pang in his heart.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.20)

premNA-nRtyat-phulla-mayUrI-tati yuktaH
kRSNAlokAn matta-mayUra-vraja ArAt |
snigdhe rAdhA-keza-kalApe rati-mukte
yat sat-piJchair Azu murAreH smRtir AsIt ||

“Intoxicated from seeing Krishna, a group of peacocks nearby began to joyfully dance with their mates. When Murari saw their beautiful feathers, he immediately remembered Sri Radha’s glossy hair, loosened by passion.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.21)

sarasi ca kala-nAdaiH sArasAnAM priyAyAH |
bhrama-culukita-citto’bhyAgatAM tAM sa mene ||

“Mistaking the soft, sweet sounds of the joyful lake-dwelling sparrows, geese and cranes for the sounds of his beloved’s armlets, bracelets, waist-bells and ankle-bells, Krishna thought Sri Radha had arrived.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.22)

upari capala-bhRGgaM padmam ISat-prakAzaM
vara-parimala-pUraM zazvad Alokya kRSNaH |
smita-zabala-kaTAkSaM padma-gandhaM priyAyA
mukham idam iti matvA tAm upetAM viveda ||

“When Krishna noticed a restless bee landing repeatedly upon a wonderfully fragrant, slightly opened lotus, he thought it must be the sweet-scented lotus face, adorned with smiles and sidelong glances, of his beloved Radha, who had now arrived.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.23)

rucaka-karaka-bilvair nAga-raGgaiH supakvaiH
pratidizam anudRSTair harSa-tarSAkulo’sau |
sapadi lasad-uroja-bhrAnti-sambhrAnta-cetA
vapuSa iha vibhutvaM rAdhikAyAH zazaGke ||

“Seeing ripened citrons, pomegranates, wood-apples and oranges all around, concupiscent Krishna got excited and mistook them for Sri Radha’s beautiful breasts, making him wonder if her body might be omnipresent!” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.24)

yato yataH patati vilocanaM hares
tatas tataH sphurati tad-aGga-saMhatiH |
na cAdbhutaM tad iha tu yad-vrajATavI
mude harer alabhata rAdhikAtmatAm ||

 “Wherever Hari’s glance fell, Radha’s limbs appeared. It’s no wonder that, for his pleasure, the Vraja forest assumed Radhika’s nature.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.25)

tair uddIpita-bhAvAlI vAtyayoccAlitaM manaH |
zazAka na sthirI-kartuM kAza-puSpa-nibhaM hariH ||

“Because of Hari’s visions, his emotions flared and he couldn’t steady his mind as it whirled like a kasha flower in a strong wind.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.26)

pracArya gAz cArayituM kSudhArtA govardhana-kSmAbhRd-upatyakAyAm |
mano’nudhAvad dayitAM nivartayan samaM vayasyair vijahAra kRSNaH ||

“As he herded the hungry cows to the base of Govardhana Hill to graze, Sri Krishna’s mind stopped running after his beloved and he began to sport with his friends.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.29)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Krishna goes to the Yamuna (Updated 3-17)

gatA zrAvayituM rAdhAM sambodhya sA sakhI tadA |
varNayAmAsa kRSNasya lIlA-vRndaM manoharam ||

Then the sakhi sent by Vrnda to bring news of Krishna roused Sri Radha and began describing more of his charming pastimes.

vizramya kSaNam utthitaH sa paritaH paryanta-zaSpAdinIH
zraddhAvAn avadhAya dhenu-paTalIH pAnIya-pAnArthinIH |
bAlais tat-paripAlakair muralikA-nAdopadiSTair yutAH
kRSNo bhAskara-nandinI-parisarAn AsAdayAmAsa tAH ||

“After resting for a while, Krishna rose from his bed, surrounded in all directions by the grazing cows. Being very attentive to their needs, he knew that they were thirsty, so he informed the cowherd boys with the sound of his flute and together they herded them to an area near the Yamuna.” (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 3.68)

bAlAH kecana kecana prasRmarA go-maNDalIm anvaguH
kecit kRSNa-samIpa eva militAs tat-tad-guNAn AjaguH |
dUra-sthA nikaTa-sthitAz ca sakalA gAvaz ca gopAz ca te
tulyAM prItim avApya kRSNam abhitas tulyAM ratiM tanvate ||

“Some of the boys walked ahead of the cows while others walked behind. Some who were near to Krishna sang of his many good qualities. Whether close by or far away, all the cows and boys directed their love and affection toward Krishna.” (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 3.36)

dUre santu sacetanA maNibhuvo’py undanti yat-sparzataH
kiM brUmo vrajarAja-putra-padayos tAM mAdhurIM tanvatoH ||
yA saMvyaktatama-dhvajAmbuja-yavAdy-aGkAvalI-zAlitA
sA kenApi kadApi kApi katham apy AsIn na saMlopitA ||

“Never mind sentient creatures; even a jeweled floor is melted by the touch of Vrajendranandana’s sweetness-spreading lotus feet. What more can we say? No one, at any time, by any means can destroy that sweetness, which is clearly marked with a flag, lotus, barleycorn and so on.” (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 3.40)

vaktuM ko’rhati goparAja-yuvarAjasyAGghri-paGkejayoH
saugandhyaM kSiti-vakSasi praNayato lIlA-gati-nyastayoH |
aGkeSv eSv avizaGkayA bata dhiyA saugandhya-bandhAndhayA
puJjIbhUya vidhUya kuJja-kusumaM guJjanti puSpandhayAH ||

“Ah! Who can describe the fragrance of the lotus feet of the young cowherd prince, lovingly placed on Mother Earth’s bosom in the course of his pastimes? Blinded by their sweet aroma, buzzing bees abandon forest flowers and gather without hesitation around his footprints.” (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 3.41)

tUSNIkAn mukharIkaroti mukharAMs tUSNIkayaty ambhasAM
stambhaM stambhavatAM dravaM drutam atisnigdhatvam ugraujasAm |
karNAbhyarNam upetya tUrNam asakRd yemaM vidhatte kramaM
tAM vaMzIm adhare nidhAya madhuraM kRSNo jagau paJcamam ||

“Sri Krishna held his flute to his lips and began to play a song in the sweet fifth note. When this charming sound enters the ears, it immediately causes the silent creatures to speak and the talkative ones to hush. The waters stop flowing, the solids become liquid and the fierce become gentle.” (KRSNAhnika-KaumudI 3.37)

sattva-dharma-viparyAsair veNu-nAdAmRtotthitaiH |
sva-sAttvika-vikAraiz ca tadAbhUd vyAkulATavI ||

“Then, because of the reverse in the creatures’ natures and the ecstatic changes in her own body that arose with the nectarous sound of the flute, the forest herself became confused.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.14)

prodyad-vepathur uccalat sthira-cayaiH stabdhA jaDair jaGgamaiH
prasvinnA sravad-azru-jAla-salilaiH zvetA prasUnotkaraiH |
sAzruH puSpa-madhu-dravaiH svara-bhidA yuktA khagAlI-ravai
romAJcAli-yutA latAGkura-cayair vRndATavI sA babhau ||

“The forest exhibited the ecstatic symptom of trembling by her immobile beings beginning to move, paralysis by her moving creatures becoming motionless, perspiration by the tear-like dewdrops upon her leaves, paleness by the color of her flowers, tearfulness by the flowing of her flower nectar, stammering by the cries of her birds, and horripilation by the sprouting of her creepers.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.15)

kUjad-bhRGga-vihaGga-paJcama-kalAlApollasantI harez
cyotat-paktrima-sat-phalotkara-rasollAsATavI sAbhavat |
lAsyAcArya-marud-gaNAtimuditA sarvendriyAhlAdinI ||

“By the sweet cooing and humming of her birds and bees, her delicious, juicy fruits, and by the pleasant, gentle winds that moved her blossomed lotuses to and fro and taught her beautiful, smiling creepers to dance, the forest gave great joy to all of Sri Hari’s senses.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.17)

puSpair hAsyaM bhramarair gAnaM parNair lAsyaM madhubhiH pAnam |
dadhatas taravaH svaphalaiH khAnaM kurvanty abhyAgata-hari-mAnam ||

“The trees honored their guest Krishna with the smiling of their flowers, the singing of their bees, the dancing of their leaves, with their honey to drink and their fruits to eat.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.18)

ali-gAyaka-cumbita-kusumAsyaM pallava-paTa-vRta-vivRta-suhAsyam |
dadhatI rahasi vidadhatI lAsyaM vyatanuta vallItatir api dAsyam ||

“The creepers, dancing in secret places, served Krishna by opening their veils of leaves to reveal smiling flower faces kissed by singing bees.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.19)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Krishna sports in the forest (Updated 2-24)

evaM vRndAvanaM zrImat kRSNaH prIti-manAH pazUn |
reme saJcArayann adreH sarid-rodhaHsu sAnugaH ||

Thus, Sri Krishna enjoyed beautiful Vrindavan, happily tending the cows with his friends along the river banks near Govardhana Hill. (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.15.9)

kvacid gAyati gAyatsu madAndhAliSv anuvrataiH |
upagIyamAna-caritaH sragvI saGkarSaNAnvitaH ||

Garlanded and accompanied by Balarama, Krishna sometimes sang among a group of buzzing bees who were blinded by intoxication, while his devoted friends praised him with songs of his adventures. (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.15.10)

kvacic ca kalahaMsAnAm anukUjati kUjitam |
abhinRtyati nRtyantaM barhiNaM hAsayan kvacit ||

Sometimes he imitated the trumpeting of the swans, and at others he mimicked the dancing of a peacock, causing his friends to laugh. (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.15.11)

anujalpati jalpantaM kala-vAkyaiH zukaM kvacit |
kvacit savalgu-kUjantam anukUjati kokilam ||

Sometimes he imitated the murmuring of a parrot with sweet, indistinct words, and sometimes he cooed melodiously like a cuckoo. (This verse, not present in all editions of the Bhagavatam, is sometimes combined with 10.15.11.)

megha-gambhIrayA vAcA nAmabhir dUragAn pazUn |
kvacid Ahvayati prItyA go-gopAla-manojJayA ||

Sometimes, with a voice as deep as a rumbling cloud and captivating to all, he affectionately called by name the cows who had wandered away. (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.15.12)

cakora-krauJca-cakrAhva-bhAradvAjAMz ca barhiNaH |
anurauti sma sattvAnAM bhItavad vyAghra-siMhayoH ||

Sometimes he would mimic the cries of the cakoras, curlews, cakravakas, skylarks and peacocks, or pretend to be afraid of the tigers and lions like the other creatures. (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.15.13)

pravAla-barha-stabaka-srag-dhAtu-kRta-bhUSaNAH |
rAma-kRSNAdayo gopA nanRtur yuyudhur jaguH ||

Decorated with young leaves, peacock feathers, clusters of blossoms, flower garlands and minerals, the cowherd boys, led by Balarama and Krishna, danced, wrestled and sang. (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.18.9)

kRSNasya nRtyataH kecij jaguH kecid avAdayan |
veNu-pANitalaiH zRGgaiH prazazaMsur athApare ||

While Krishna danced, some of the boys sang, some made music with flutes, their palms or animal horns, and others urged them on. (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.18.10)

kvacid bilvaiH kvacit kumbhaiH kva cAmalaka-muSTibhiH |
aspRzya-netra-bandhAdyaiH kvacin mRga-khagehayA ||

Sometimes they played with wood-apple fruits or kumbha fruits, and sometimes with handfuls of gooseberries. Sometimes they played tag or blindman’s bluff, and sometimes they pretended to be birds or animals. (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.18.14)

kvacic ca dardura-plAvair vividhair upahAsakaiH |
kadAcit syandolikayA karhicin nRpa-ceSTayA ||

Sometimes they played leapfrog or teased each other in various ways; sometimes they swung on the trees or pretended to be kings. (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.18.15)

evaM tau loka-siddhAbhiH krIDAbhiz ceratur vane |
nady-adri-droNi-kuJjeSu kAnaneSu saraHsu ca ||

Thus Balarama and Krishna enjoyed playing popular games as they wandered through the forest, rivers, mountains and valleys, bowers, groves and lakes. (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.18.16)

tatropAhUya gopAlAn kRSNaH prAha vihAra-vit |
he gopA vihariSyAmo dvandvI-bhUya yathAyatham ||

Then Krishna, who knows lots of games, called the cowherd boys together and said, “Hey guys, let’s divide into two equal groups and compete against each other!” (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.18.19)

tatra cakruH parivRDhau gopA rAma-janArdanau |
kRSNa-saGghaTTinaH kecid Asan rAmasya cApare ||

The cowherd boys then chose Balarama and Krishna as their leaders. Some took Krishna’s side while others joined with Balarama. (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.18.20)

Acerur vividhAH krIDA vAhya-vAhaka-lakSaNAH |
yatrArohanti jetAro vahanti ca parAjitAH ||

They played various types of games wherein each boy carried another on his shoulders, the winners being the riders and the losers the mounts. (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.18.21)

vahanto vAhyamAnAz ca cArayantaz ca godhanam |
bhANDIrakaM nAma vaTaM jagmuH kRSNa-purogamAH ||

Continuing to also tend the cows, the riders and their mounts, led by Sri Krishna, reached a banyan tree known as Bhandiraka. (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.18.22)

uvAha kRSNo bhagavAn zrIdAmAnaM parAjitaH |
vRSabhaM bhadrasenas tu pralambo rohiNI-sutam ||

Having been defeated, Bhagavan Sri Krishna carried Sridama, Bhadrasena carried Vrsabha and Pralamba carried Balarama. (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.18.24)

kvacit krIDA-parizrAntaM gopotsaGgopabarhaNam |
svayaM vizramayaty AryaM pAda-saMvAhanAdibhiH ||

Sometimes, when Balarama tires from playing, he lies down using the lap of a cowherd boy as a pillow while Krishna personally massages his feet and so on to relieve his fatigue. (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.15.14)

kvacit pallava-talpeSu niyuddha-zrama-karSitaH |
vRkSa-mUlAzrayaH zete gopotsaGgopabarhaNaH ||

Sometimes, when Krishna is exhausted from fighting, he lies on a bed of flower blossoms at the base of a tree with his head on the lap of a cowherd boy. (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.15.16)

pAda-saMvAhanaM cakruH kecit tasya mahAtmanaH |
apare hata-pApmAno vyajanaiH samavIjayan ||

Some of those sinless boys massaged the great soul’s feet while others cooled him with a fan. (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.15.17)

iti svakAnta-keliM sA zRNvantI vara-varNinI |
moha-jADyAdi-sampannA premNAnya-cchrotum unmanAH ||

Thus hearing of her lover’s pastimes, beautiful Sri Radha, filled with love and longing to hear more, fell into a swoon and became motionless.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

The beautiful Vrindavan forest (Updated 2-11)

vanaM kusumitaM zrIman nadac-citra-mRga-dvijam |
gAyan-mayUra-bhramaraM kUjat-kokila-sArasam ||

The beautiful forest was filled with flowers in bloom and it resounded with the calls of animals and birds. The peacocks and bees were singing and the cranes and cuckoos cooing. (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.18.7)

krIDiSyamANas tat kRSNo bhagavAn bala-saMyutaH |
veNuM viraNayan gopair godhanaiH samvRto’vizat ||

Wanting to have some fun, Bhagavan Sri Krishna entered the forest playing his flute, accompanied by Balarama, the cowherd boys and the cows. (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.18.8)

tan-maJju-ghoSAli-mRga-dvijAkulaM mahan-manaH-prakhya-payaH-sarasvatA |
vAtena juSTaM zatapatra-gandhinA nirIkSya rantuM bhagavAn mano dadhe ||

Seeing that the forest was filled with sweet-sounding birds, bees and animals, and perfumed by a lotus-scented breeze wafting from a lake with water as clear as a great one’s mind, Sri Krishna decided to sport there. (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.15.3)

sa tatra tatrAruNa-pallava-zriyA phala-prasUnorubhareNa pAdayoH |
spRzac-chikhAn vIkSya vanaspatIn mudA smayann ivAhAgrajam AdipUruSaH ||
aho amI deva-varAmarArcitaM pAdAmbujaM te sumanaH-phalArhaNam |
namanty upAdAya zikhAbhir Atmanas tamo’pahatyai taru-janma yat-kRtam ||

Noticing that everywhere trees laden with fruits and flowers and beautiful reddish buds were bent low to touch Balarama’s feet with the tips of their branches, Sri Krishna, the original person, smiled with delight and said to him, “O best of the gods! To remove the ignorance that caused their birth as trees, they are bowing down with their boughs to offer fruits and flowers at your lotus feet, which are worshipped by the gods.” (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.15.4-5)

ete’linas tava yazo’khila-loka-tIrthaM
gAyanta AdipuruSAnupadaM bhajante |
prAyo amI muni-gaNA bhavadIya-mukhyA
gUDhaM vane’pi na jahaty anaghAtma daivam ||

“O Primeval One! These bees worship you at every step, singing of your glories, which purify the whole world. O Sinless One, perhaps they are great sages, your dearest devotees, who, though hidden in the forest, never abandon their Lord.” (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.15.6)

nRtyanty amI zikhina IDya mudA hariNyaH
kurvanti gopya iva te priyam IkSaNena |
sUktaiz ca kokila-gaNA gRham AgatAya
dhanyA vanaukasa iyAn hi satAM nisargaH ||

“O Praiseworthy One! These forest dwellers are so fortunate that you’ve come to their home. The peacocks are dancing in joy and the doe, as though gopis, gaze at you with loving eyes, while the cuckoos welcome you with sweet songs, for such is the nature of the righteous.” (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.15.7)

dhanyeyam adya dharaNI tRNa-vIrudhas tvat-
pAda-spRzo druma-latAH karajAbhimRSTAH |
nadyo’drayaH khaga-mRgAH sadayAvalokair
gopyo’ntareNa bhujayor api yat-spRhA zrIH ||

“Today the earth is blessed. The grass and shrubs are being touched by your lotus feet, and the trees and creepers by your fingernails. The rivers, mountains, birds and animals receive your merciful glances, and the gopis are embraced by your arms, a boon for which even Sri Lakshmi yearns.” (ZrImad-BhAgavatam 10.15.8)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The girl continues...(Updated 1-31)

saubhAgyaM sA sakhInAM hi niHzaGkAliGganAdikam |
smRtvA vaktuM guNAMs teSAM tAn dAsAMz cAbhyavandata ||

Remembering how fortunate Krishna's friends were to be able to embrace him and so on without hesitation, the girl began to praise them along with Krishna's servants by describing their good qualities.

gaNDAntaH-sphurad-eka-kuNDalam ali-cchannAvataMsotpalaM
kastUrI-kRta-citrakaM pRthu-hRdi bhrAjiSNu-guJjA-srajam |
taM vIraM zarad-ambuda-dyuti-bharaM saMvIta-kAlAmbaraM
gambhIra-svanitaM pralamba-bhujam-Alambe pralamba-dviSam ||

"I take refuge in the great hero Sri Balarama, the enemy of Pralamba. From one ear, a glittering earring dangles against his cheek while a bee-covered blue lotus blossom hangs from the other. He wears tilaka painted with musk, and a splendid gunja necklace rests upon his broad chest. His complexion is white like an autumnal cloud; he is dressed in dark blue cloth. His voice is deep and his arms are long." (Bhakti-RasAmRta-SindhuH 3.3.28)

pATala-paTa-lasad-aGgo lakuTa-karaH zekharI zikhaNDena |
dyuti-maNDalIm ali-nibhAM bhAti dadhan maNDalIbhadraH ||

"Mandalibhadra looks very handsome dressed in a lustrous pale red cloth and holding a club in his hand. His complexion is like that of a black bee, and a peacock feather adorns his hair." (Bhakti-RasAmRta-SindhuH 3.3.26)

vAsaH piGgaM bibhrataM zRGga-pANiM
baddha-spardhaM sauhRdAn mAdhavena |
tAmroSNISaM zyAma-dhAmAbhirAM
zrIdAmAnaM dAma-bhAjaM bhajAmi ||

"I adore Sridama, who has an enchanting dark complexion, wears yellow clothing, a flower garland and a copper-colored turban. He carries an animal horn in his hand and has a friendly rivalry with Madhava." (Bhakti-RasAmRta-SindhuH 3.3.41)

tanu-ruci-vijita-hiraNyaM hari-dayitaM hAriNaM harid-vasanam |
subalaM kuvalaya-nayanaM naya-nandita-bAndhavaM vande ||

"I praise Subala, whose complexion is more beautiful than gold. He is very dear to Hari, wears greenish clothing and a necklace of pearls, and has eyes like blue lotuses. His behavior brings great delight to his beloved friend Krishna." (Bhakti-RasAmRta-SindhuH 3.3.46)

aruNAmbaram uccalekSaNaM madhu-puSpAvalibhiH prasAdhitam |
hari-nIla-ruciM hari-priyaM maNi-hArojjvalam ujjvalaM bhaje ||

"I cherish Ujjvala, who is dressed in reddish cloth, has restless eyes and is adorned with fragrant flowers. He has a dark greenish-blue complexion, is very dear to Hari and wears a radiant jeweled necklace." (Bhakti-RasAmRta-SindhuH 3.3.48)

ramya-piGga-paTam aGga-rociSA kharvitoru-zataparvikA-rucam |
suSThu goSTha-yuvarAja-sevinaM rakta-kaNTham anuyAmi raktakam ||

"I follow Raktaka, who wears a beautiful yellow garment and whose bodily luster is more radiant than dark green durva grass. He serves well the young prince of Vraja and has a very sweet voice." (Bhakti-RasAmRta-SindhuH 3.2.46)

maNimaya-vara-maNDanojjvalAGgAn puraTa-javA-madhuliT-paTIra-bhAsaH |
nija-vapur-anurUpa-divya-vastrAn vrajapati-nandana-kiGkarAn namAmi ||

“I bow to the servants of the son of the king of Vraja, whose luminous bodies are adorned with fine jewels and beautiful clothing that match their complexions of gold, saffron, bumblebee and sandalwood.” (Bhakti-RasAmRta-SindhuH 3.2.43)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Vrinda sends a girl to relate Krishna’s pastimes to Sri Radha. (Updated 1-21)

vRndayA prahitA kAcid AsasAdAtisatvarA |
vRndAvanezvarIM natvA jagAda krIDitaM hareH ||

At that time, a girl sent by Vrinda arrived and, after offering her respects to Vrindavanesvari, quickly began to give an account of Hari's pastimes.

veNuM vAma-kareNa dakSiNa-kareNAndolayan kandukaM
saindUraM na vidUrayan vadanato rAgaM vasantAbhidham |
udgIte subalAdibhiH priya-sakhaiH zrI-mUrdha-nirdhUnane-
nAsvAdaM prathayan madAlasa-lasad-ghUrNAyamAnekSaNaH ||

"Holding a flute in his left hand, Krishna tossed a red wooden ball up and down with his right. With Subala and his other friends, he happily sang the vasanta-raga while moving his head from side to side and languidly rolling his sparkling lotus eyes." (Ananda-vRndAvana-campUH 14.72)

pArzva-dvaye priya-sakha-dvaya-dIyamAnaM
tAmbUlikA-dala-puTaM puraTa-prakAzi |
snigdhena zoNa-radana-cchadana-dvayena
lIlA-kramAd ubhayataH kutukena gRhNan ||

"A friend stood on each side and offered him gold-colored tambula, which he eagerly accepted from both with his tender, reddish lips." (Ananda-vRndAvana-campUH 14.73)

venuM vAme kara-kisalaye dakSiNe cAru-yaSTiM
kakSe vetraM dala-viracitaM zRGgam atyadbhutaM ca |
barhottaMsaM cikura-nikare valgu-kaNThopakaNThe
guJjA-hAraM kuvalaya-yugaM karNayoz cAru bibhrat ||

"In his left hand, he held a flute, while in his right, a beautiful staff. He had placed a cane rod and a wonderful leaf-engraved animal horn into his belt, and a peacock-feather ornament upon his tuft of hair. Around his charming throat he wore a gunja necklace, and delightful blue water-lilies upon his ears." (Ananda-vRndAvana-campUH 7.37)

sad-ratnAlaGkaraNa-nikareSv AdadhAno'vahelAM
vanyAkalpe viracita-rucir vatsa-pAlAnukRtyA |
dhAvann agre vraja-zizu-gaNasyollasad vaijayantI-
mAlaH zrI-raJjita-lasad uro-bhittir AbhAti kRSNaH ||

"Shunning fine jewelry, Krishna enjoyed being adorned like the other cowherd boys, with ornaments made from things of the forest. As he ran along in front of the boys of Vraja, the vaijayanti garland and srivatsa shone beautifully upon his chest." (Ananda-vRndAvana-campUH 7.38)

aMse cAru-vihaGgikAgra-vilasac-chikya-stha-bhANDaudanA
kakSe veNu-viSANa-patra-muralI-zRGgANi yaSTiH kare |
guJjottaMsa-mayUra-piccha-racanA maulau gale gauJjiko
hAraH zroNi-taTe dhaTIti madhuro vezaH zizUnAM babhau ||

"The boys were dressed and ornamented very attractively, with exquisite pots of porridge hanging from the ends of poles upon their shoulders, flutes and animal horns in their belts, staffs in their hands, gunja-berry chaplets and peacock feathers in their hair, gunja necklaces on their throats and loincloths around their hips." (Ananda-vRndAvana-campUH 7.39)

keyUre valayAni kiGkiNi-ghaTA hArAvalI kuNDale
maJjIrau maNi-tunda-bandha-latikA yady apy amISAM babhuH |
nAsIt tatra tathApi mAtR-racitAkalpeSu teSAM grahaH
kAmaM vatsaka-rakSaNocita-vanAkalpe yathA lAlasaH ||

"Even though they had beautiful ornaments such as armlets, bracelets, waist-bells, necklaces, earrings, ankle-bells and jeweled waistbands that had been made by their mothers, still, while tending the calves, they chose to decorate themselves with things from the forest." (Ananda-vRndAvana-campUH 7.40)