Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Further Description of Sri Radha-Kunda (Updated 11-10)

Rtu-rAjAdi-sarvartu-guNa-sevita-kAnanam |
vRndA-sammRSTa-gandhAmbhaH-saMsiktAdhvAGganAlayam ||

“The forests around the kunda are endowed with the qualities of all the seasons, and the paths, courtyards and buildings have been swept and sprinkled with fragrant water by Sri Vrinda.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.15)

tayA toraNakolloca-patAkAlamba-gucchakaiH |
pauSpaiz citrita-kuJjAdhva-dolA-catvara-maNDapam ||

“Vrinda has decorated the bower’s paths, swings, courtyards and pavilions with festooned arches, canopies, pendant flags and clusters of flowers.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.16)

kusuma-racita-zayyocchIrSa-candropadhAnaiH |
sulalita-tala-lIlAgAra-kuJja-prapaJcam ||

“Within the kunja there is a charming pleasure-house furnished with a bed made of fresh lotus petals, sprouts and various kinds of stemless flowers, adorned with moon-shaped pillows and provided with cups of honey and water, bowls of tambula and so on.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.17)

rAdhA-kRSNa-rahaH-kathAnuvadanAd Azcarya-mAdhuryavad-
dhvAnaiH zrI-zuka-zArikA-vyatikarair Ananda-sarvasva-dam |
karNAkarSi-kuhUH kuhUr iti kalAlApair vRtaM kokilair
nRtyan-matta-mayUram-anya-vihagaiz cAnanda-kolAhalam ||

“Everyone is ecstatic from hearing the wonderful, sweet sounds of the beautiful parrot couples narrating Sri Radha-Krishna’s secret pastimes. The whole area resounds with the pleasant ‘kuhu kuhu’ twittering of the cuckoos and the joyful cries of madly dancing peacocks and other birds.” (VRndAvana-MahimAmRtam 4.105)

hArIta-pArAvata-cAtakAdika-prahRSTa-nAnA-vidha-citra-pakSiNAm |
kRSNekSaNAnanda-viphulla-varSmaNAM karNAmRta-dhvAna-manojJa-kAnanam ||

“This charming forest is filled with the nectarous sounds of pigeons, doves, catakas and other ecstatic, colorful birds beaming with joy from having seen Krishna.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.22)

rAkezArbuda-nirmaJchya-rAdhezAsyendu-pAyibhiH |
cakorair nyak-kRta-tyakta-candrair vRta-nabhas-talam ||

“The sky is teeming with cakora birds who have abandoned the humbled moon and instead drink the nectar of Krishna’s face, more beautiful than even ten million moons.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.23)

vipakva-jAlakApakva-phalaiH kusuma-pallavaiH |
mukulair maJjarIbhiz ca namrair vallI-drumair vRtam ||

“Everywhere are creeper-covered trees, bent low with ripe and unripe fruits, flower blossoms, buds and sprigs.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.24)

aneka-padmAkara-madhya-saMsthitaM harer vilAsAnvita-tIra-nIrakam |
nAnAbja-kAnty-ucchalitaM nirantaraM guNair jita-kSIra-samudram adbhutam ||

“The banks and waters of the kunda, the sites of Sri Hari’s pastimes, are always adorned with clusters of effulgent lotuses and are more beautiful than the ocean of milk.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.25)

sva-sadRk-tIra-nIreNa kRSNa-pAdAbja-janmanA |
nija-pArzvopaviSTenAriSTa-kuNDena saGgatam ||

“Sri Shyama-Kunda, born of Sri Krishna’s lotus feet, lies next to, joins and is very similar to Sri Radha-Kunda.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.26)

tIre kuJjA yasya bhAnty aSTa-dikSu preSThAlInAM sva-sva-nAmnA prasiddhAH |
tAbhiH premNA svIya-hastena yatnAt krIDA-tuSTyai preSThayoH saMskRtA ye ||

“In the eight directions around the banks of Radha-Kunda lie the kunjas of Srimati’s dearest sakhis, well-known by their respective names. The sakhis have all personally with great affection and effort prepared these kunjas for the satisfaction of the two lovers in their play.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.27)

tat-tat-kASThA-prAnta-vicchinna-sImArAmodyAnAvezanAMzAnvitAz ca |
tat-tat-sImAbhyantarotpanna-vRkSa-zreNI-yugmAcchanna-vartmAli-yuktAH ||

“At the different borders of the sakhis’ kunjas there are groves, gardens and workshops, with each kunja joined to the next by a tree-lined path.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.28)

upari-tanu-taraGgAkAra-citrAJci-zuddha-sphaTika-maNi-citAny asphAra-vartmAni tAni |
marakata-maNi-vRndair AcitAbhyantarANi pratanu-lahari-kulyA-bhrAntim utpAdayanti ||

maNi-caya-racanAbhiH sveSu bhitti-bhramaM drAk
sva-nikaTa-maNi-bhittau cAtma-buddhiM dadhadbhiH |
upavana-yuga-madhye dvAra-vRndair yutAni
pravizad itara-loke darzanAd eva bhAnti || (yugmakam)

“Passing through gates made of jewels, these narrow pathways between two groves are paved with tiles of pure crystal etched with delicate waves and inlaid with emeralds. When outsiders try to enter the kunjas, they immediately misjudge the gates to be walls and the paths rippling streams.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.29-30)


Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful description of Sri Kunda! Thank you so much for your valuable efforts.

Visakha Dasi

Haricaraṇa Dāsa said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Visakha. Now bless me to translate better and faster.