padmAbha-kuJjASTa-dalair virAjitaM suhema-rambhAvali-kezarAnvitam ||
“Near the bathing ghat on the northern side of Sri Radha-Kunda lies an effulgent lotus-shaped courtyard named Ananga-Rangambuja, with eight bowers as its petals and golden plantain trees its filaments.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.31)
sahasra-patrAmbuja-sannibhaM sphurat suvarNa-sat-kuTTima-maJju-karNikam |
lIlAnukUlyocita-santatollasad-vistIrNatA-lAghavam unnata-prabham ||
“Its enchanting pericarp is a radiant golden terrace resembling a thousand-petaled lotus that expands or contracts according to the lila.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.32)
lalitA-ziSyayA nityaM kalAvatyA susaMskRtam |
sarvartu-sukha-sampannaM nAnA-keli-rasAkaram ||
“The area is always kept in good order by Lalita’s student Kalavati, it provides pleasure in all seasons, and is a repository of the various rasas of amorous play.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.33)
lalitAnandadaM rAdhA-kRSNayoH sa-vayasyayoH |
nikuJja-rAjayoH paTTa-mandiraM sphurad-indiram ||
“This kunja, known as Lalitanandada, is the splendorous throne chamber of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna, the sovereigns of the bowers, and their friends.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.34)
mANikya-kezara-zreNI-veSTita-svarNa-karNikam |
bahir bahiH kramAd vardhamAna-saMkhyA-pramANakaiH ||
ekaika-varNa-sad-ratna-kadambenAcitaiH pRthak |
racitaM bahubhiz cAru-sama-patrAli-maNDalaiH ||
paJcendriyAhlAda-karaiH zaityAdy-abja-guNair yutam |
tad-bahiH kramazaH svarNair vaidUryair indranIlakaiH ||
sphaTikaiH padmarAgaiz ca citair maNDapa-paJcakaiH |
zobhitaM maNDapeSv antar nAnA-ratna-vinirmitaiH ||
kevalair mithunI-bhAva-saGgatair mRga-pakSibhiH |
devair nRbhir yutaM cAnyaiz citritai rasa-dIpanaiH ||
kezarAdi-zAkhi-zAkhikAli-sad-vitAnakam |
antarasya bhAti jAnu-daghna-ratna-kuTTimA-
gAra-madhya-karNikA-sahasra-patra-sArasam ||
“That golden pericarp, a circular knee-high jeweled terrace in the center of the courtyard, is surrounded by ruby filaments and covered by a canopy of naga-kesara and other trees, their branches filled with leaves and flowers of five colors. Around that lie many rows of beautiful uniformly-shaped petals inlaid with jewels of various colors, spreading outward in increasing numbers and having the pleasing qualities of a lotus such as coolness and so on. Outside of that lie five pavilions, decorated successively with gold, lapis-lazuli, emeralds, crystals and rubies. Within the pavilions are extraordinary statues, meant to stimulate rasa, formed from precious stones into the shapes of animals, birds, gods, humans and other beings joined in sexual embrace.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.35-40)
AmUla-puSpitAzoka-vallI-maNDala-saJcayaiH |
sitAruNa-harit-pIta-zyAma-puSpaiH prakalpitaiH ||
padma-puSpa-dalAkArair upakuJjASTakair vRtam |
pravINa-tAdRzAzoka-taru-kuJja-varATakaiH ||
vasanta-sukhadaM yasya bhRGga-kokila-nAditam |
vAyavyAM dizi bhAty aSTa-dala-kuJjAmbujaM dalam ||
“The northwest petal of Lalita’s kunja is called Vasanta-Sukhada, which means ‘giving the delight of springtime.’ It is shaped like a lotus, with eight bowers as its petals and a stand of blooming ashoka trees its pericarp. Adorned with groups of ashoka trees and creepers bearing fully-blossomed white, red, green, yellow and blue flowers, the area always resounds with the singing of bees and cuckoos.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.41-43)
zrI-padma-mandiraM nAma nairRtyAM rAjate dalam |
catur-dvAraM catuS-pArzve vAtAyana-samanvitam ||
“On the southwest petal lies a building called the Sri Padma Mandira that has four sides, with a door and window on each side.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.44)
nAnA-maNi-citAneka-citra-bhitti-catuSTayam |
antaH sa-kRSNa-gopInAM pUrva-rAgAdi-ceSTitaiH ||
rAsa-kuJja-vilAsaiz ca lalitA-citritair yutam |
pUtanAriSTa-saMhArAdy-anta-tac-caritair bahiH ||
“The walls are inlaid with various kinds of jewels and adorned with many pictures painted by Lalita. On the inside are paintings of Krishna’s activities with the gopis, such as the dawning of their love and pastimes in the rasa-kunja, and on the outside, paintings of Krishna killing Putana, Arishta and so on.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.45-46)
ratnAli-dyuti-kiJjalkaM sad-garbhAgAra-karNikam |
bahir abja-dalAkArair vRtaM SoDaza-koSThakaiH ||
“The beautiful inner chamber of the Padma Mandira is its pericarp, with the luster of many gems its filaments. Around that lie sixteen more rooms in the shape of lotus petals.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.47)
tat-tad-yugAntarAla-sthair dvyaSTopakoSThakair api |
Urdhve tAdRk-sanniveza-sphurad-aTTAlikAnvitam ||
“Between those lotus-petal rooms lie sixteen smaller ones, with a resplendent watchtower built above each.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.48)
antar-antaH kramAd ucca-nirbhitti-stambha-paGktiSu |
sphATikISu suvinyasta-pravAla-valabhI-kule ||
“Upon each of those sit tall columns made of flawless crystal topped by a coral turret.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.49)
chAditena mahAratna-paTalais tiryag-Urdhva-gaiH |
bhrAjitena sukumbhena zikhareNa virAjitam ||
“The turrets have sloping roofs inlaid with precious jewels, and above those sit beautiful pots topped with gleaming spires.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.50)

atyuccena vanAloka-sukhadena nijezayoH |
mukta-pArzva-tRtIyocca-khaNDena ca sumaNDitam ||
adho ratnAcitAneka-citra-citreNa bhAsvatA |
upakuTTima-yugmAntar dikSu sopAna-zobhinA ||
“The sides are all open on the lofty third levels so Radha and Krishna can enjoy the views of the surrounding forest. Many beautiful gem-studded paintings adorn the walls of the lower levels of each watchtower, through which elegant staircases climb to the top.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.51-52)
kaNTha-daghnAtivistIrNa-kuTTimenAbhito vRtam |
paritas tAvad uccAnAM prAntotpanna-mahIruhAm ||
phalaiH puSpaiz ca saMzliSTa-kuTTima-prAnta-dezakam |
keli-ratnAkaraM rAdhA-kRSNayoH savayasyayoH ||
“The mandira, an ocean of Radha-Krishna’s pastimes with their friends, sits upon a broad, neck-high terrace, its borders surrounded by tall trees bearing fruits and flowers.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 7.53-54)
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