Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sri Krishna’s passion for Radha inflamed by the beauty of Vrndavana (Updated 3-26)

svaramaNa-sahitAnAM veNu-nAdAhRtAnAM
tRNa-kavala-mukhAnAM caJcalAlokanAni |
harir atha hariNInAM vIkSya rAdhA-kaTAkSaiH
smRti-patham adhirUDhair vivyathe viddha-marmA ||

“Seeing the restless eyes of the does who, along with their mates, had been captivated by the sound of the flute as they grazed, Sri Krishna remembered Sri Radha’s sidelong glances and felt a sharp pang in his heart.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.20)

premNA-nRtyat-phulla-mayUrI-tati yuktaH
kRSNAlokAn matta-mayUra-vraja ArAt |
snigdhe rAdhA-keza-kalApe rati-mukte
yat sat-piJchair Azu murAreH smRtir AsIt ||

“Intoxicated from seeing Krishna, a group of peacocks nearby began to joyfully dance with their mates. When Murari saw their beautiful feathers, he immediately remembered Sri Radha’s glossy hair, loosened by passion.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.21)

sarasi ca kala-nAdaiH sArasAnAM priyAyAH |
bhrama-culukita-citto’bhyAgatAM tAM sa mene ||

“Mistaking the soft, sweet sounds of the joyful lake-dwelling sparrows, geese and cranes for the sounds of his beloved’s armlets, bracelets, waist-bells and ankle-bells, Krishna thought Sri Radha had arrived.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.22)

upari capala-bhRGgaM padmam ISat-prakAzaM
vara-parimala-pUraM zazvad Alokya kRSNaH |
smita-zabala-kaTAkSaM padma-gandhaM priyAyA
mukham idam iti matvA tAm upetAM viveda ||

“When Krishna noticed a restless bee landing repeatedly upon a wonderfully fragrant, slightly opened lotus, he thought it must be the sweet-scented lotus face, adorned with smiles and sidelong glances, of his beloved Radha, who had now arrived.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.23)

rucaka-karaka-bilvair nAga-raGgaiH supakvaiH
pratidizam anudRSTair harSa-tarSAkulo’sau |
sapadi lasad-uroja-bhrAnti-sambhrAnta-cetA
vapuSa iha vibhutvaM rAdhikAyAH zazaGke ||

“Seeing ripened citrons, pomegranates, wood-apples and oranges all around, concupiscent Krishna got excited and mistook them for Sri Radha’s beautiful breasts, making him wonder if her body might be omnipresent!” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.24)

yato yataH patati vilocanaM hares
tatas tataH sphurati tad-aGga-saMhatiH |
na cAdbhutaM tad iha tu yad-vrajATavI
mude harer alabhata rAdhikAtmatAm ||

 “Wherever Hari’s glance fell, Radha’s limbs appeared. It’s no wonder that, for his pleasure, the Vraja forest assumed Radhika’s nature.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.25)

tair uddIpita-bhAvAlI vAtyayoccAlitaM manaH |
zazAka na sthirI-kartuM kAza-puSpa-nibhaM hariH ||

“Because of Hari’s visions, his emotions flared and he couldn’t steady his mind as it whirled like a kasha flower in a strong wind.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.26)

pracArya gAz cArayituM kSudhArtA govardhana-kSmAbhRd-upatyakAyAm |
mano’nudhAvad dayitAM nivartayan samaM vayasyair vijahAra kRSNaH ||

“As he herded the hungry cows to the base of Govardhana Hill to graze, Sri Krishna’s mind stopped running after his beloved and he began to sport with his friends.” (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 6.29)

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