rAtryante trasta-vRnderita-bahu-viravair bodhitau kIra-zArI-
padyair hRdyair ahRdyair api sukha-zayanAd utthitau tau sakhIbhiH |
dRSTau hRSTau tadAtvodita-rati-lalitau kakkhaTI-gIH sazaGkau
rAdhA-kRSNau satRSNAv api nija-nija-dhAmny Apta-talpau smarAmi || 6 ||
I remember Sri Radha-Krishna at the end of night. Alarmed that daylight has come, Vrindadevi sends the parrots and mynahs to waken them with the loud sounds of both pleasant and unpleasant poetry. Along with their sakhis, they then rise from their peaceful slumber. Seeing each other, Radha-Krishna become joyful and long for more lovemaking, but then they hear the monkey Kakkhati screeching, become afraid and return to their respective homes and beds. (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 1.10)
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