Wednesday, October 6, 2010

BSS Nisanta 4-5 Correction

bhakti-rasAmRta-sindhau carataH paribhUta-kAla-jAla-bhiyaH |
bhakta-makarAn azIlita-mukti-nadIkAn namasyAmi || 4 ||

I bow to the dolphin-like devotees who sport in the nectarous ocean of bhakti-rasa. They have conquered their fear of the snare of death and care nothing for the rivers of mukti. (Bhakti-RasAmRta-Sindhu 1.1.4)

prage zrIvAsasya dvija-kula-ravair niSkuTavare
zruti-dhvAna-prakhyaiH sapadi gata-nidraM pulakitam |

hareH pArzve rAdhA-sthitim anubhavantaM nayana-jair
jalaiH saMsiktAGgaM vara-kanaka-gauram bhaja manaH || 5 ||

O mind! Just worship the beautiful golden form of Sri Gaura as he lies at dawn in a pleasure grove near the house of Srivasa Thakura. Awakened by the singing of birds, which resembled the chanting of the Vedas, he is at once filled with joy and soaked in tears as he perceives Sri Radha alongside Sri Hari.

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