Saturday, October 4, 2008

Yasoda’s Motherly Affection (updated 10-15)

vimanaskApi manasA bhAvayanty atha tac-chubham |
vihastApi svahastAbhyAM jananI tam alAlayat ||

Feeling helpless and anxious, Mother Yasoda caressed Krishna with her hands while contemplating his welfare. (Govinda-LIlAmRtam 5.24)

sukumAra-kumAra! cArayan surabhIr yAhi vanAya yAsi cet |
anuyAma vayaM ca vaJcayan na dRzas tvaM sphuTam aJca kiMca naH ||

“O delicate boy! If you must go to the forest to graze the cows, then go. But we’re going to follow you, and you must stay within our sight.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 7.38)

tanaya! praNayann ayaM naya sva-samIpAt kva ca nAnyato na naH |
na sahasva suhRd-vyathAM hRdi sva-viyogAnala-heti-hetukAm ||

“O son! You go ahead and lead, but stay near to us. You could not bear causing your well-wishers to suffer in the fire of separation from you.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 7.39)

pura-bhUSaNa! dUSanaM tv idaM nagarI seyam ime gRhAz ca te |
tvayi nirgata eva no balAn nigilantIva vRthA sthitAyuSaH ||

“O ornament of our village! The problem is that when you’re away, it’s as though this town and these houses forcibly swallow us. Our lives are useless without you.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 7.40)

praharA api bhAvinas trayaH prahariSyanty apayAtum akSamAH |
na ca zIghram ihaiSyasi tvam ity ata itthaM karavAma kiM vayam ||

“If you go away for nearly nine hours it will be intolerable for us, and you won’t be in any hurry to return. What are we supposed to do?” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 7.41)

aruNAbja-dala-zreNI kva te sukumAre vimale pados tale |
tRNa-kaNTaka-zarkarAGkitA kva nu sA kAnana-bhUmir eSi yAm ||

“The soles of your feet are as delicate and pure as red lotus petals, yet you want to go to the forest, where the floor is strewn with straw, thorns and pebbles.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 7.42)

mRganAbhi-rasokSitA kva te navanIta-pratimeva hA tanuH |
kva nu sUryakarA ime pratikSaNa-vardhiSNutamA viSolbaNAH ||

“Alas, your body is like fresh butter sprinkled with musk, and the poisonous rays of the sun grow stronger at every moment.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 7.43)

asavo yad amI sphuTanti no janayitryAs tava saubhagojjhitAH |
atiniSThuratA-pade parAM bata sAmrAjya-dhurAm ato dadhuH ||

“Your mother’s life airs, from which all good fortune have departed, do not disperse. Unfortunately, they have rather accepted the heavy burden of sovereignty in a merciless abode.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 7.44)

dhavalAH paripAntu ballavAH svayam eva vrajarAja etu vA |
svahaThaM na jahAsi hA zizo! katham atra zvasitu svabandhutA ||

“O child! Let the gopas take care of the cows, or let Vrajaraja himself go. If you don’t give up your stubbornness, how will your relatives sustain their lives?” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 7.45)

stimitAGga sumaGgalAmRtair ajaniSThAH kim u ballavAnvaye |
tRNa-cAri-gaNAnugAmitA-paribhUtiM mRdulo yad anvabhUH ||

“O tender one! How, under such auspicious planets, were you born in a family of cowherds? Your soft body has been injured many times while you followed the grazing cows.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 7.46)

saraNis taraNi-prabhA-jvalat-sikatA sUnur aTATyate’dya yAm |
janake kanakeSTakAlaye vasatIty etad avekSate prasUH ||

Yasoda considers, “Our son often comes and goes on this path, its sand burning from the heat of the sun, while his father lives in a house of golden bricks.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 7.58)

anayApy avipadyamAnayA gRha-kRtyaM vidadhAnayA mayA |
jananIty abhidhA dhRtA gata-trapayA tAM stuvate’py amI janAH ||

“Even though this woman (me) completes her household duties without fail, she shamelessly accepts the name mother. The people even praise her for it.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 7.59)

kulizAyitatA tatA tato bhavato bandhutayA nijArjitA |
kusumAyita-hRt tvam AzrayaMs tad apImAM svaguNair amUmudaH ||

“Oh child! Your going to the forest has caused your relatives’ hearts to become as hard as diamonds. Nevertheless, because your heart is as soft as a flower, your qualities have still given them great joy.” (KRSNa-BhAvanAmRtam 7.60)

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