Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Bhāvanā-Sāra-Saṅgrahaḥ, Prātaḥ 68-70

तामागतामभिप्रेक्ष्य साक्षादिव तपःश्रियम् ।
व्रजराज्ञी पराभिज्ञा स्थितिज्ञाभ्युद्ययौ मुदा ॥ ६८ ॥

tām āgatām abhiprekṣya sākṣād iva tapaḥ-śriyam |
vraja-rājñī parābhijñā sthiti-jñābhyudyayau mudā || 68 ||

     “When Yaśodā Mā, who is very wise and knowledgeable about the traditional customs, saw that Paurṇamāsī, who is like an embodiment of the power of austerity, had arrived, she went joyfully out to meet her.” (Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 2.4)

एहि भो भगवति व्रजवन्द्ये स्वागतासि भवतीं प्रणमामि ।
इत्युदीर्य सविधे प्रणमन्तीं सा मुकुन्द-जननीं परिरेभे ॥ ६९ ॥

ehi bho bhagavati vraja-vandye svāgatāsi bhavatīṁ praṇamāmi |
ity udīrya savidhe praṇamantīṁ sā mukunda-jananīṁ parirebhe || 69 ||

     “‘Hello Bhagavatī! Please enter. Welcome to my home. I offer obeisance unto you, who are highly respected in Vraja.’ Saying this, Yaśodā bowed down and then Paurṇamāsī embraced her.” (Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 2.5)

आशीर्भिरभिनन्द्यामूं गोविन्द-दर्शनोत्सुका ।
पप्रच्छ कुशलं चास्याः सधवात्मज-गोततेः ॥ ७० ॥

āśīrbhir abhinandyāmūṁ govinda-darśanotsukā |
papraccha kuśalaṁ cāsyāḥ sadhavātmaja-go-tateḥ || 70 ||

     “Eager to see Govinda, Paurṇamāsī expressed her happiness by giving blessings, and then asked about the welfare of Yaśodā, her husband, son and cows.” (Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 2.6)

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