Monday, October 7, 2013

Bhāvanā-Sāra-Saṅgrahaḥ, Prātaḥ 59-61

विलास-चेष्टा सखि! केशिनाशिनो हलाहलाभा प्रदहन्ति मे मनः ।
कृन्तन्ति मर्माणि गुणा घुणा इव प्रेमा विकारी हृदि हृद्-व्रणो यथा ॥ ५९ ॥

vilāsa-ceṣṭā sakhi! keśi-nāśino halāhalābhā pradahanti me manaḥ |
kṛntanti marmāṇi guṇā ghuṇā iva premā vikārī hṛdi hṛd-vraṇo yathā || 59 ||

     “O sakhī, Keśināsī’s romantic gestures burn my mind like poison. His good qualities cut through my core like a wood mite destroys a tree. His love creates unbearable agitation in my heart, as though it has been somehow wounded.” (Alaṅkāra-Kaustubha 3.56)

नो विद्मः किमु गौरवं गुरुकुले कौलीन्यरक्षाविधौ
न श्रद्धा किमु दुर्जनोक्तिगरलज्वालासु किं नो भयम् ।
उद्वेगादनवस्थितं मम मनः कस्यापि मेघत्विषो
यूनः श्रोत्रगतैर्घुणैरिव गुणैरन्तः कृतं जर्जरम् ॥ ६० ॥

no vidmaḥ kim u gauravaṁ gurukule kaulīnya-rakṣā-vidhau
na śraddhā kim u durjanokti-garala-jvālāsu kiṁ no bhayam |
udvegād anavasthitaṁ mama manaḥ kasyāpi megha-tviṣo
yūnaḥ śrotra-gatair ghuṇair iva guṇair antaḥ kṛtaṁ jarjaram || 60 ||

     “Do you think I don’t know how important family is? Do you think I have no regard for my family’s honor, or I don’t fear the poison-like criticism of slanderous people? But what can I do? My mind is unsettled and full of anxiety, and when I hear of the wonderful qualities of that cloud-colored young man, it is as though an insect has entered my ear and now torments me!” (Alaṅkāra-Kaustubha 5.71)

राधे! यदास्य-सरसीरुह-गन्ध एवम् अन्धीकरोति कुलजा-कुलमालि! दूरात् ।
तन्मध्वतीव सुरसं सरसं पिबन्त्याश्चित्तभ्रमस्तव मदादिति नैव चित्रम् ॥ ६१ ॥

rādhe! yad-āsya-sarasī-ruha-gandha evam
andhīkaroti kulajā-kulam āli! dūrāt |
tan-madhv atīva surasaṁ sarasaṁ pibantyāś
citta-bhramas tava madād iti naiva citram || 61 ||

     After hearing Rādhā’s words, Śyāmalā replied, “My friend Rādhā! You’ve drunk too much of that sweet, juicy nectar from Kṛṣṇa’s lotus mouth, so it’s no wonder you’re bewildered. Even smelling the aroma of that lotus mouth from a distance can cause respectable girls to go blind!” (Kṛṣṇa-Bhāvanāmṛtam 3.31)

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