वेणीं गुम्फति दिव्यपुष्प-निचयैः सीमन्त-सीमन्यहो
सिन्दूरं निदधाति कज्जलमयीं निर्माति रेखां दृशोः ।
दिव्यं वासयते दुकूलमसकृत्ताम्बूलमप्याशये-
दित्थम्भूतरतिः सखा तव न मां तल्पे निधत्तेऽङ्कतः ॥ ५७ ॥
veṇīṁ gumphati divya-puṣpa-nicayaiḥ sīmanta-sīmany aho
sindūraṁ nidadhāti kajjala-mayīṁ nirmāti rekhāṁ dṛśoḥ |
divyaṁ vāsayate dukūlam asakṛt tāmbūlam apy āśayed
itthambhūta-ratiḥ sakhā tava na māṁ talpe nidhatte’ṅkataḥ || 57 ||
“Aho! Your friend strings fragrant flowers within my braid and places vermilion on the part of my hair. He then paints a thin line of collyrium around my eyes and has me don a beautiful dress. After this he repeatedly gives me tāmbūla to chew. Feeling great affection for me, he holds me on his lap rather than placing me on the bed again.” (Vṛndāvana-Mahimāmṛtam 5.99)
नित्यं मन्मुखसम्मुखं मुखविधुं धत्तेऽनिमिषेक्षणो
नित्यं मन्मुखमेव पश्यति मयैवाजस्रगोष्ठीपरः ।
आधायैव शयीत मां हृदि मयैवावर्तयेत् पार्श्वकं
सख्युस्ते सखि! सर्वनागरमणेः प्रीतिः कथं वर्ण्यताम्? ॥ ५८ ॥
nityaṁ manmukha-sammukhaṁ mukha-vidhuṁ dhatte’nimiṣekṣaṇo
nityaṁ manmukham eva paśyati mayaivājasra-goṣṭhī-paraḥ |
ādhāyaiva śayīta māṁ hṛdi mayaivāvartayet pārśvakaṁ
sakhyus te sakhi! sarva-nāgara-maṇeḥ prītiḥ kathaṁ varṇyatām? || 58 ||
“Every day he places his moonlike face before mine and gazes at me with unblinking eyes. Every day the two of us spend endless hours engrossed in conversation. He places me in his heart and then lies beside me. O sakhī! How can I describe the love of that friend of yours, the jewel of all paramours?” (Vṛndāvana-Mahimāmṛtam 5.97)
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