Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Kṛṣṇāhnika-Kaumudī 3.61


सत्कारण्डव-हंससारसबकक्रौञ्चादिभिश्चञ्चलैः ।

वाप्यो रत्नतटीः सरांस्यपि सुधा-न्यक्कारि-वारीण्यथ

प्रायाद्देशमयं तमेव शरदामोदं नवो मन्मथः ॥


sat-kāraṇḍava-haṁsa-sārasa-baka-krauñcādibhiś cañcalaiḥ |

vāpyo ratna-taṭīḥ sarāṁsy api sudhā-nyakkāri-vārīṇy atha

prāyād deśam ayaṁ tam eva śaradāmodaṁ navo manmathaḥ ||

Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the young god of love, went with the gopīs to a place known as Śaradāmoda, meaning autumn delight, where there were lakes filled with blossoming red and blue lotuses and white water-lilies swaying. Beautiful ducks, swans, cranes, herons, wagtails and so on chattered on the gem-studded shores and the water was sweeter than nectar. 

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