Thursday, October 26, 2023

Śrī-Śrī-Gaura-Govinda-Līlāmṛta Guṭikā 30

Śrī Rādhā and Dhaniṣṭhā entered the grove through the back gate, followed by the sakhīs and mañjarīs. Taking in the captivating beauty of the grove as she walked, Śrīmatī soon arrived at the banks of Gupta-Kuṇḍa. There she became extremely restless, anxious to meet with Śrī Kṛṣṇa. When she saw the beauty of the grove and the lake, her passion became inflamed. Meanwhile, Kṛṣṇa was also eager to meet with Śrī Rādhā as they had previously agreed. Seeing the beauty of the forest through the back gate, he left his bedroom in secrecy. At that time, the peacocks saw Kṛṣṇa and inhaled his aroma. They spread their plumage, cried ke-kā and began to dance. The birds and bees began to sing in sweet voices. When Śrī Rādhā saw Kṛṣṇa and heard the sweet tones of his anklets, she felt drunk with love and mistakenly said, “O Lalitā! O Viśākhā! One amazing new cloud has unseasonably appeared before me. In it I can simultaneously see steady lightning, a rainbow and a row of herons. I can hear the sweet sounds of swans, storks and other birds.” Hearing that, Lalitā replied, “O lovely one! What you said is not quite correct. It is your beloved, whose form is beautiful like a new cloud, that has just arrived. You have mistaken the peacock feathers on his topknot to be a rainbow, his yellow cloth to be steady lightning and his pearl necklace to be a row of herons. You have mistaken the sounds of the small bells on his waist and his anklets to be the calls of swans, storks and other birds.” After hearing Lalitā’s words, Śrīmatī silently disappeared within the Aśokānandada Kuñja prepared by Vīrādevī.

Not seeing Śrī Rādhā among the sakhīs when he arrived, Śrī Kṛṣṇa asked them for news about her. The sakhīs replied, “Śyāma! She’s not here.” Kṛṣṇa: “Then from where is her aroma coming?” Sakhīs: “We’re with her all the time, so her fragrance has clung to our bodies.” Kṛṣṇa: “It’s not possible for all of you to come here without Śrī Rādhā. Is it possible for moonlight to appear without the rise of the moon?”Sakhīs: “Hey! There is no moonrise (appearance of Candrāvalī). This is the unprecedented rise of the opulence of the daughter of Vṛṣabhānu.” The sakhīs began to make various jokes like this. When Kṛṣṇa became dejected from not being able to see Śrīmatī, Vīrādevī directed him with an eye gesture toward the kuñja. Kṛṣṇa entered the kuñja and saw everything there as Śrī Rādhā, so he began to embrace the trees and creepers. When Premamayī Śrī Rādhā saw that, she stood before him and his love-born delusion disappeared. The meeting of Rasarāja and Mahābhāva caused the ocean of prema-rasa to overflow. Both sank deep into the ocean of keli-rasa (love-sports). The minnow-like eyes of the fortunate sakhīs and mañjarīs began to happily swim in the waves of this ocean of sweetness.

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