Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Bhāvanā-Sāra-Saṅgrahaḥ, Prātaḥ 71-73

निवेद्य कुशलं चास्यै तयोत्कण्ठितया सह ।
उत्का शय्यागृहं सूनोः प्रविवेश व्रजेश्वरी ॥ ७१ ॥

nivedya kuśalaṁ cāsyai tayotkaṇṭhitayā saha |
utkā śayyā-gṛhaṁ sūnoḥ praviveśa vrajeśvarī || 71 ||

     “Yaśodā politely informed her that they were all well and then the two of them eagerly entered Kṛṣṇa’s bedroom.” (Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 2.7)

डोरी-जूटित-वक्रकेशपटला सिन्दूरबिन्दूल्लसत्-
सीमन्तद्युतिरङ्गभूषण-विधिं नातिप्रभूतं श्रिता ।
गोविन्दास्य-निसृष्ट-साश्रुनयनद्वन्द्वा नवेन्दीवर-
श्याम-श्यामरुचिर्विचित्र-सिचया गोष्ठेश्वरी पातु वः ॥ ७२ ॥

ḍorī-jūṭita-vakra-keśa-paṭalā sindūra-bindūllasat-
sīmanta-dyuti-raṅga-bhūṣaṇa-vidhiṁ nātiprabhūtaṁ śritā |
govindāsya-nisṛṣṭa-sāśru-nayana-dvandvā navendīvara-
śyāma-śyāma-rucir vicitra-sicayā goṣṭheśvarī pātu vaḥ || 72 ||

     May Yaśodā Mā, queen of the cowherds, protect you all. Her dark, curly locks have been tied back and the line of vermilion in the part of her hair shines radiantly. She is modestly decorated with ornaments, and her eyes fill with tears as she gazes at Govinda’s face. Her bodily complexion is dark blue, like a newly grown blue lotus, and she wears a beautiful and colorful dress. (Bhakti-Rasāmṛta-Sindhuḥ 3.4.13)

पर्यङ्के न्यस्य सव्यं तदुपरि निहितस्वाङ्गभाराथ पाणिं
कृष्णस्याङ्गं स्पृशन्तीतर-करकमलेनेषदाभुग्नमध्या ।
सिञ्चन्त्यानन्दबाष्पैः स्नुतकुचपयसां धारया चास्य तल्पं
वत्सोत्तिष्ठाशु निद्रां त्यज मुखकमलं दर्शयेत्याह माता ॥ ७३ ॥

paryaṅke nyasya savyaṁ tad-upari nihita-svāṅgabhārātha pāṇiṁ
kṛṣṇasyāṅgaṁ spṛśantītara-kara-kamaleneṣad-ābhugna-madhyā |
siñcanty ānanda-bāṣpaiḥ snuta-kuca-payasāṁ dhārayā cāsya talpaṁ
vatsottiṣṭhāśu nidrāṁ tyaja mukha-kamalaṁ darśayety āha mātā || 73 ||

     “Placing her left hand on the bed above Kṛṣṇa for support, she leaned over and gently touched his body with her right hand. Moistening the bed with tears of joy and the milk oozing from her breasts, she said to him, ‘My child! Get up quickly. Wake up and show us your lotus face.’” (Govinda-Līlāmṛtam 2.13)

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