Friday, September 12, 2008


upadiza sakhi vRnde vallavendrasya sUnuM kim ayam iha sakhInAM mAm adhInAM dunoti |
apasaratu sazaGkaM mandirAn mAninInAM kalayati lalitAyAH kiM na zauTIrya-dhATIm ||

Though in her heart she was eager to meet with Krishna, to show her profound loyalty to her sakhis, Sri Radha spoke in the mood of a kalahAntaritA to Vrinda: “O Vrinda, my friend! You tell Vrajaraja-nandana that I’m obedient to my sakhis. Why is he giving me unnecessary pain? We are honorable girls; it isn’t proper for him to be in our homes. Tell him to flee with a fearful heart. Does he not know how powerful Lalita is?” (U.NI.RAdhA-Pra.46)

*A kalahAntaritA is a heroine separated from her lover because of a quarrel.

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