Monday, April 3, 2023

Śrī-Śrī-Gaura-Govinda-Līlāmṛta Guṭikā 22

When Śrī Rādhā saw Kundalatā, a fountain of sweet nectar seemed to gush in her eager heart. Śrīmatī joyfully stood up and said with a smile, “Kundalatā, my friend! I think that under the guise of Vrajeśvarī Mā’s order some mercy nectar has been sent my way. After appealing to my mother-in-law, you have swiftly come to me.” When Kundalatā drank in the nectar of lovely-eyed Rādhā’s sweet and logical words, her heart and mind danced in delight. Moonlight beamed from the gentle smile on her parted lips. She said in earnest, “Sakhī Rādhā! After you have understood everything, you and your sakhīs should leave immediately for Vrajeśvarī’s home. O beautiful lotus-eyed one! The flavor of the food you cook makes even the nectar of heaven seem insignificant. Your expertise in cooking is well-known throughout Vrajapura. O friend! Maharṣi Durvāsā has given you the boon that whatever you may cook will be filled with nectar, and that whoever eats it will have a long life, good health and strength and be the subduer of Indra. Ever since Vrajeśvarī heard about the boon, she has wanted Kṛṣṇa to eat your hand-cooked food regularly. Young Kṛṣṇa has killed some powerful demons and she firmly believes this is due to the qualities of the food you cook. Furthermore, O Moonface! Listen, I will tell you a secret. Just as Vrajeśvarī becomes anxious when she cannot see her son, she also feels the same way when she cannot see you.” Śrī Rādhā’s heart was bathed in ānanda-rasa when she heard Kundalatā’s words, which were like an elixir for her ears. Still, Śrīmatī concealed the great rush of delight in her heart and with a quick, disinterested glance at Kundalatā, she replied, “Sakhī Kundalatā! Everything you say makes sense. But, O wise one! Is it reasonable for girls who are known for their virtue to go to another person’s home every day? Think about it. Especially when it is your brother-in-law—I hear he is always greedy for the family girls. For virtuous girls, the effort to protect their family dharma is the most important thing. Therefore, my friend, I have no desire to go there.”

Kundalatā understood that Śrī Rādhā was internally delighted but outwardly reluctant. Extremely pleased, she replied, “Sakhī Rādhā! Your desire to protect your family’s dharma will be easily realized. Since Durvāsā Muni is favorable toward you, by his mercy nothing inauspicious will happen. Therefore, go quickly, without delay!” Elderly Jaṭilā was listening to Rādhā and Kundalatā’s witty conversation from a distance. She heard Rādhā’s words about going to Nanda’s house and accepted them to mean she was reluctant. Then she approached the girls and said, “O chaste Kundalatā! I trust you completely; for this reason I have placed my daughter-in-law into your hands.”Although the old woman is sharp-tongued by nature, she looked at Śrī Rādhā and said in a serious but calm and sweet voice, “My child, since it is inappropriate for a chaste woman to go even one foot from her husband’s home, you should not in any way go near Kṛṣṇa, who is known as the crown jewel of debauchees. This is settled. Still, O Rādhā, how many times can the words of Devī Paurṇamāsī and the humble request of the wife of the king of Vraja be ignored? Therefore, unable to disobey them, I am asking you to go there. But do not worry; Bhagavān Śrī Hari, who preserves the dharma of virtuous girls, will protect you. So, O lovely one, I have placed you in his lotus hands and am now carefree.” Though Jaṭilā was referring to Śrī Nārāyaṇa when she mentioned the word Hari, the quick-witted sakhīs smiled slightly, taking the word to mean Śrī Kṛṣṇa. Śrīmatī stopped the sakhīs with a gesture and remained silent. Then Kundalatā pulled Śrīmatī’s hand and led her and her sakhīs away with delight.(1) Kundalatā walked in front of Śrī Rādhā, with Śrī Lalitā on the right, Śrī Viśākhā on the left and Anaṅga Mañjarī and the other sakhīs behind. Śrī Rūpa and the other principal mañjarīs came next, followed by the guru-mañjarīs. Behind them, the sādhaka-dāsī carried laḍḍus and other types of Kṛṣṇa’s favorite foods as directed by Lalitā.

Nandālaya lies to the southwest of Yāvaṭa. The sakhīs led Śrī Rādhā outside the village through the southern gate. Rows of bakula and other trees lined both sides of the bejeweled path and their limbs and branches intertwined above it. They were covered with various kinds of blossoming creepers providing dense shade. Śrīmatī and her sakhīs walked to Nanda’s house like swans, listening to the sweet sounds of cuckoos and other birds mixed with the humming of bees on the flower-scented path. The path was illumined by her radiant golden complexion. Charming Rādhā was absorbed in the joy of seeing Kṛṣṇa. Goosebumps covered her beautiful form, she walked with a slow gait and her clothing had become loose. Seeing the marks from last night’s love-play on Śrīmatī’s body, Kundalatā joked, “O Rādhā! Your husband Abhimanyu was away for three or four days. He returned yesterday evening and spent the night in the cowshed. Still, I see nail-marks on your body and wounds on your lips. It seems these are clear signs of your customary chastity.” After hearing Kundalatā’s words, Lalitā could see that although Rādhā had narrowed her eyes externally, she was jubilant within. Lalitā replied, “O Kundalatā! Yesterday in the forest an audacious parrot mistook Śrīmatī’s breasts for pomegranates and scratched them with his claws. That same parrot bit her on the lips, thinking them to be bimba fruits. So why are you concerned that it is something else?” As Śrīmatī listened to their conversation, a memory of her previous night’s pastimes appeared. Her heart was filled with delight and her body numbed by joy. In this way, everyone floated in a stream of happiness as they moved toward Nanda’s house engaged in playful banter.


1. Author’s note: During the time when Śrī Rādhā resides in Varṣāṇā, Kundalatā takes her to Nanda’s home after getting permission from Kīrtidā Mā.